
March 14, 2008

Store Stuff

Tons of boxes have been arriving daily at the store and we have 5 of us putting it on the shelves as quickly as we can. A special thanks to Betty who put that huge pallet of Bazzill Cardstock on the shelves in record time!

I thought I would post a close up of two of the classes that are coming up.

Stamp of the month on March 20

Believe Word Album from BoBunny on March 27

Call the store at 561 432-5201 to sign up. The Acrylic album class this month has filled up so we have added another class in April.

We are planning a number of exciting events for our Grand Re-Opening event. More details to follow soon.....

March 6, 2008

Not Your Ordinary Book Club

Some photos of our last NYOBC meeting. We had a small baby shower for one of the members who is about to have a baby Boy. Luckily she did not into labor during the meeting as we did not have any clean towels or hot water!!! As you can see we like to take photos of each other taking photos.

We will also be having a morning NYOBC meeting once a month for those of you that can't attend the evening session.

March 4, 2008

ATC Stuff

For those of you that love making those little ATC's, we got some cool products yesterday. Here is a peek:

We will be having an ATC class and swap club soon!

March 2, 2008

Everything Scrapbook & Stamps

Wow, Opening Day was fantastic although we were all exhausted from the night before.
We had 78 customers, I even took a photograph of the monitor to prove I was not dreaming!!!
Thank you to all that came out to support me, I am grateful. I wonder how many customers we will have on our Grand Re-Opening Day.

The first customer that came to the store bought me some beautiful roses and a 4 pack of double espresso shots (boy, was I glad for those). Thanks Eddy. The next customer bought me cookies, Yummy. That wonderful bouquet of flowers in the photo above were from Rosemary and Capella, two wonderful employees.

I got home at 7:30pm Saturday and decided to take a short nap and woke up at 7:30am the next morning. I guess I was tired!!!!!

More News Soon.....

Photos of a Mess!!

I thought it might be fun to show you pictures of the mess before opening day! This was the DAY before we opened.

Pivot Ladies Pivot. Everybody doubted that this could be moved to the back of the store!!

But we did it. YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to everyone who was there to help. Some of us were there till 2:00am getting everything ready. I will post more photos later of the "finished" store.