
September 29, 2008

Whats this about?

This is one of our customers in a very sticky situation!!!
Stay tuned to this blog for more information.

September 25, 2008

DCWV - New Collection

We had the fourth class this month for Stamp of the Month. I did not stay for tonight's class as I had a date with Greys Anatomy. It probably was quieter without me acting all loopy :)

At these classes everyone has so much fun. Octobers Class is all about Snowmen. Can't wait to see the sample board. I will post a picture as soon as I get it.

The Sweet Collection from Diecuts with a view

We just received our shipment of the Sweet Collection. It is a scrumptious concoction of paper and chipboard embellishments with a glittery cupcake theme. It makes me hungry:)

Here is a close up of one of the papers. It is all glittery

The Chipboard embellishments are cute

This collection won't last long.

September 23, 2008

New Books

I have a weakness when it comes to books & magazines. Even as a child I collected books. (I still have some of my childhood books). I love curling up in my chair with my diet coke and getting lost in the book/magazine. I can actually tune out the world around me. Craft magazines just refresh and inspire me.

I thought I would introduce you to some of the new books and magazines in the store.

Altered Surfaces is a great book for altered arts. You'll discover that acrylic paints, fluids, gels, mediums, grounds, and pastes work as a "system", allowing them to be fully compatible with each other. You can mix and match to your hearts content without worry!

Get Ready to "Think outside of the box!"

Creative Embellishments

How do you add sophistication and style to craft projects with shrink plastic, rubber stamps, and fun foam? Look to this bestselling author for a bounty of advice in this technique-packed book--then get ready to play!

* Discover dozens of imaginative embellishments made from paper, fabric, plastic, clay, and more

* Create art without expensive supplies--over 150 photographs show you how.

Some of my favorite magazines are the Australia Scrapbooking and Cardmaking. I personally think they show something different and I love their interpretation of things. We just received some of the latest issues in the store.

The latest issues of Cards, Scrapbook Trends and Paper Trends have also arrived. I think I have every issue of Cards and Paper Trends and refer to them often for inspiration.

Are you intimated by the Clear or Acrylic books, then come in and get one of the many books we have about them.

Leave a comment and let me know about your favorite craft magazine or book

September 22, 2008

Design Team at ESS

I realized that I hadn't posted a photo of the current Everything Scrapbook & Stamps Design Team. So here they are from left to right: Mary, Lynn, Kristie, Melina and of course Capella (sometimes known as Barney).

They have been doing some fabulous samples in the store. We are working on adding a gallery to the website where you will be able to see all of their creations. In the meantime here is Lynn's project for August. She used a Maya Road house and Graphic45 papers. Isn't this fantastic?

The little book fits inside the house and has chicken recipes in it. Doesn't it look great! I will add some more of the Design Teams August projects later this week.

September 21, 2008

New Papers

It is so hard to find Judaic Papers that we decided to have some made especially for us. I thought you would like to see a sneak peek at some of them.

I wonder if I can get some papers made with Patrick Dempsey on them! Better not cos all I would do is stare at them and then I would get no work done :)

Cricut Class

We had two Cricut classes yesterday. The second one was a layout and I thought you would like to see the project rather than the crowd! Some of the stuff that Mary can do with the Cricut is amazing. Don't forget that she is teaching the Cricut Design Studio in October.

September 19, 2008

Cuttlebug Mania

We had two classes today featuring techniques you can do with the Cuttlebug. Both classes were filled and everyone learned a lot. We are thinking of forming a Cuttlebug Club with a monthly project. We have so many ideas in store for cuttlebug classes that our heads are spinning! We are so addicted to this little green machine that we can't stop experimenting with it.

Here is a picture of the morning class.

and here is a picture of the evening class

By the end of the second class Rosemary was tired from talking and I was tired from listening to her!!

Tomorrow we have two Cricut Classes, so I had better go get some sleep. Talk to you guys later

September 18, 2008

Technique Tuesday on a Thursday

As some of you know we have Technique Tuesday on a Thursday classes once a month. This time we had 22 people in the evening class. (the morning class was a little smaller) I thought it might be a little hectic but Doyle kept control with her usual Grace and Style.

Oops spoke too soon, here is Doyle losing it. She was yelling "Off With Her Head" We managed to calm Doyle down with a little Martini :) OK it really was coffee

Seriously guys, the class went smoothly and everyone had fun.

September 15, 2008

New Bags

We got a delivery of these new cute bags last week. They come in the three colors shown. I love these bags. Not only can you insert photos of your loved ones, you can also insert handmade cards or small pages. Of course if you are like me you can store your cell phone and keys in the clear pockets so you can FIND THEM :)

Here is another photo of our Supermodels showing off the new bags.

Have a creative and wonderful day.

September 10, 2008

Christmas Ornaments

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love everything about it. The shopping, cooking, wrapping and decorating the tree. I love the anticipation.

Its funny though with the gift wrapping, I imagine a perfect Norman Rockwell Christmas with the fire blazing, carols singing, egg nogg and a marathon gift wrapping session.

Inevitably what happens is Christmas Eve I am up so late wrapping gifts, egg nogg untouched by my side, no fire burning because it is too flipping hot! me cursing so loudly about why I did not start the wrapping in March that I can't hear the Christmas Carols. But, ahhh Christmas Day the wonderful seasonal feeling is back. Santa has done his magic again. Yes, I still believe!

I am enjoying the Holiday Classes we are doing at the store. I get the Christmas spirit without the hassle. Here are some photos of our recent ornament class.

September 9, 2008

Cuttlebug Mania

It seems we have created a little mania with the Cuttlebug. The entire first shipment was sold before it arrived, our second shipment sold out as well so a third is on its way. I personally love this machine and use it all the time. It is my plan to have everyone in South Florida own one of these lovely green machines and then who knows maybe I will go for World Domination!!!