
October 31, 2009

happy halloween

I hope everyone had a great Halloween.

Over the last two days we have received 9 huge boxes of the newest Martha Stewart Punches

Love the holly
Love the Pine Needles
Yep, The JOY Punch is finally back in stock
Christmas Ornaments
These punches are packaged with the corner and border together
Snowflakes - My Personal Fav!
Yes, I love the deco fan too.
This is my other fav
Lets be honest I don't think I have ever met a Martha Stewart Punch that I did not love :)

October 30, 2009

Here is some inspiration

These are the samples I tried to post last night.
We have hundreds of samples around the store.
Cards, Layouts, Books, Altered Art, Projects and more.

Tonight I thought I would post some cards for you to look at.

Just beautiful.
Feel inspired? Come on in and take a closer look.
We have lots of cool stuff to give you a dose of creativity.

October 29, 2009

I know some of you were concerned . . .

about my husband interrupting me during tonight's Grey's Anatomy episode again. Well, never fear everything was OK.

I escorted him to the garage with a lawn chair and a cup of tea at 8:55pm and let him out again at 10:02pm. So everything was peaceful!!!! and I was able to enjoy the episode.

I can't believe Halloween is almost here, which means the Holiday Season is fast approaching. I thought by showing you some samples from the store of fall and winter cards it might inspire you to get making your holiday cards. Unfortunately Blogger is having some problems and won't let me upload photos. I will post them tomorrow.

October 28, 2009

More Class Images

Thought I would post some more class images :0

This Vintage Christmas Tag book is coming in December.

Prima's Garden of Dreams - November 4th

I managed to get a better photo of the Fall Mannequin - Class November 7

Stamp of the Month - November 13th and 14th

The House that Tim Built - November 17th

Winter Wonderland - November 23rd

Monkey Club November 24th

Of course we have many more classes in November, I will post some more photos this week.

October 27, 2009

More New Bobunny

As I promised yesterday, here are some more photos of the other two collections from BoBunny that arrived yesterday.



Very very Cute

October 26, 2009

New Bobunny

Two new collections from Bobunny are here:
The first collection is
Snowy Serenade - A limited Edition Glitter Series. Lovely hues of Blue and Purples all in Glitter

I will show you the second collection tomorrow.