
February 27, 2010

A day at the store

As most of you know we have a lot of fun at the store, always laughing, always creating. I thought I would share a story from this week.

A bit of background: As a lot of you know I am from England and I say the F word a lot. It is just like saying "hello" or another normal word. It just doesn't have that foul meaning when people say it in anger. It is a fact, I do say it a lot. (I know my Mother would be horrified and disagree saying I was brought up better).

Well I had had a particularly stressful week and I was saying it a lot, and I mean a lot. So Rosemary tells me off, saying I would have to pay her 25cents everytime I said it. I offered to give her $20 right away so I would be free to express myself but, she said no I should just pay the quarter whenever I said it. So the day goes like this.

Me: normal conversation then
Me: that's a lot of f***** crap
Rosemary: You owe me a quarter.
Me: That's no f*** fair, it's the vendors fault
Rosemary: You owe me another quarter.
Me: Damn I am going to be broke I have no f**** money
Rosemary: You owe me another quarter.

You can see where this is going. I am now down about $1.50 and we have a class starting.

The Class is going well (Rosemary is teaching, I am working on the computer and assisting the class at the same time; yes I can multitask!)

Rosemary: Can you get so and so something
Me: F do you know where it is, I can't find it
Rosemary: You owe me another quarter

By this time I am catching on to the game. (yes, I can be a little slow)

Me: haha, I found the DARN ink blending tool, there I did not say the word, you owe me a Quarter
Rosemary: No it does not work that way.
(she then explains to the class what is happening)

I think that at this point the people in the class are trying to get me to say the word, just so I will have to pay.

But, I am wise to the game now and at the end of the evening, Rosemary owes me $18.50 for not saying it. Finally I can buy lunch for the next two days!!! The class starts laughing at me.

Rosemary says that it only works one way, If I say it I pay, if I don't say it I don't EARN money.

Lesson Learned: If you play a game with Rosemary get the rules in writing!!!

I think I will play the game with Capella on Monday using Rosemary's rules. She says "Whatever" a lot so I can earn lunch money from her next week!

February 26, 2010

Cheryl Mezzetti Samples

I thought I would post some samples of Cheryl Mezzettis work until we get actual class samples.

Don't forget she is coming to ESS in April.

February 25, 2010

BasicGrey Page of the Month

We got our kits in from BasicGrey today so I wanted to remind you all about the club

Here's how it will work. Each month you will receive a kit with supplies to create a double-page layout. These are just not any kits, they will be filled with Basic Grey's newest paper collections and embellishments to get you excited and creating with their newest goodies. Within the kit there will also be a full set of instructions and color photo of the completed layout for you to reference. After creating your double page layout you will still have materials remaining to make even more stuff with.

Now you know we can't do anything the same way everyone else does it, so we will be adding our flair to the layout.

We will hold a monthly, Basic Grey Page of the Month Club meeting every month. Here you can work on the layout that we have designed with the kit or make the layout using the instructions provided by Basic Grey. Either way you will leave with something fabulous! If you are not able to make it to the Monthly meeting you may pick up your kit anytime after the monthly meeting date. You may also choose to just pick up your kit and not attend meetings.

The Basic Grey Page of the Month Club begins March 2010 and continues to February 2011, a one-year commitment. The cost is $60 per quarter. There's more...upon completing the BGPOFTMC you will receive an exclusive Basic Grey 12x12 Album to hold all those BG layouts you've created over the past year. This album will be exclusive to the BGPOFTMC, so the only way to get one is to join today.

This is the BasicGrey layout for March

Here is the BasicGrey Layout for April.

Remember you can create these layouts, do your own or complete the one we will be designing. Photos of our version will be available next week.

Here is the album you get at the end.
This would make a perfect gift for someone, an album filled with layouts!

February 24, 2010

The weather today . . . . .

was freaky!!! Heavy winds and rain

We even had hail

but then the sun came out and we got deliveries of:


and the New Book by Tim Holtz

It was a good day

February 22, 2010

Coming to ESS

We are very excited to announce that


is coming to Everything Scrapbook & Stamps in April.
She will be teaching workshops on April 9th and 10th. Woohoo!!

Cheryl Mezzetti is an accomplished designer and artist who has been working in the paper arts industry for several years. She has been frequently published in scrapbooking and paper crafting magazines including Scrapbook Trends, Paper Trends, Correspondence Art, Scrapbooking & Beyond, Paper Creations, Paper Works, Better Homes & Gardens and Paper Art. Her designs have also been featured in idea books from Making Memories and Paperhouse Productions. She is the current Design Team Coordinator for Creative Imaginations and Petaloo Flowers. Cheryl was a former designer for Scenic Route Paper Company and Paperhouse Productions. Cheryl is currently working on a book showcasing her artwork that is scheduled to release in 2010. As an instructor, she has taught at many conventions and scrapbook stores throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.

Cheryl is a versatile crafter who has made a name for herself as an altered artist. She turns flea market finds into breathtaking works of art using a variety of media, but often incorporating patterned papers and scrapbooking embellishments. Says Cheryl: “I believe that each of us has a passion and dream that is unique and the best way to succeed is to discover what we love and share it with others. My dream is to inspire those around me through teaching and designing using the art of scrapbooking and paper crafting”.

Cheryl and her husband Stephen live in Massachusetts and have four sons. Keep up with Cheryl’s work, adventures and travels on her blog:

I have taken a number of classes with Cheryl and they were awesome, she is very funny (just ask her to say Stamps, she sounds just like Rosemary!!) and her projects are fantastic. I will be posting class images soon.

February 21, 2010

New Judaic Line and more

Finally there are new Judaic papers.
This is a new line for Passover and it is sophisticated.
The soft Green and Beige color palette are so nice.

New Easter Stamps arrived!!!

and here are some ideas for them

February 20, 2010

New Stamps

I promised some better photos of the new stamps and here they are

Rubber Cafe

Hero Arts
New Stamps = excitement in the store

They are playing who can grab that stamp the quickest!

February 19, 2010

New Prima is on the shelves

Our Prima order arrived and it is great

Tons of Flowers!

Prima Papers

Flowers, lace, bling and more
We got the new Donna Downey Stamps, an apron to alter. Good Stuff

February 18, 2010

New Stamps Today

Today we got the latest Stamps from Hero Arts. The new Spring Release.

We also got new stamps from The Rubber Cafe

I will get better photos tomorrow.

February 17, 2010

More CHA Arrivals

Today we received some wonderful products from Reminisce. Fun Sports Papers, textured and shaped.

Here are just a few of the shaped papers we have on the shelves

The Tennis Ball is fussy, just like a real ball.
We also received some outdoor papers

This is a 12x12 sticker sheet. Look at that Tree!!

Fun Stuff

February 16, 2010

Coming to Everything Scrapbook & Stamps

Basic Grey Page of the Month Club

Here's how it will work. Each month you will receive a kit with supplies to create a double-page layout. These are just not any kits, they will be filled with Basic Grey's newest paper collections and embellishments to get you excited and creating with their newest goodies. Within the kit there will also be a full set of instructions and color photo of the completed layout for you to reference. After creating your double page layout you will still have materials remaining to make even more stuff with.

Now you know we can't do anything the same way everyone else does it, so we will be adding our flair to the layout.

We will hold a monthly, Basic Grey Page of the Month Club meeting every month. Here you can work on the layout that we have designed with the kit or make the layout using the instructions provided by Basic Grey. Either way you will leave with something fabulous! If you are not able to make it to the Monthly meeting you may pick up your kit anytime after the monthly meeting date. You may also choose to just pick up your kit and not attend meetings.

The Basic Grey Page of the Month Club begins March 2010 and continues to February 2011, a one-year commitment. The cost is $60 per quarter. There's more...upon completing the BGPOFTMC you will receive an exclusive Basic Grey 12x12 Album to hold all those BG layouts you've created over the past year. This album will be exclusive to the BGPOFTMC, so the only way to get one is to join today.

This is the album you will receive for free!!!

February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

We have some very sweet customers. For Valentine's Day we were given some fresh baked cookies in a beautiful handmade box. We were also given some Ghirardelli Chocolates!!! Yummy

Our Customers are very thoughtful.
Either that or they wanted to sweeten my mood cos I was so upset
about the Distress Inks not being here!

Anyway on to today's post. We are expecting some of the Cricut Limited Edition Cartridges this week.

Love Struck

This limited edition cartridge is filled with twenty-seven Valentine's Day themed images. Ranging from hearts to kisses to words, this cartridge also includes cuts for four 3D objects (envelope, heart, mailbox, and box).

Mothers Day

This cartridge is filled with thirty Mother's Day themed images. Ranging from flowers to flourishes to borders, this cartridge also includes cuts to create a Mother's Day banner.


This limited edition cartridge is filled with twenty-nine Easter themed images. Ranging from a crucifix to eggs to lambs, this cartridge also includes three 3D objects (basket, cupcake holder, and box) that are great for almost any Easter project.

February 13, 2010


Today was a busy day. We had a full Metal Class where we made this cute box which opened to reveal 12 little books.

Some other classes we have this week include:

Tuesday - Changito Class
Wednesday - Monet Watercolor Class

Thursday is the Quickutz Club