
May 31, 2013

Learn How to Stamp with Felt!

Wow, did you ever page through a magazine and see a technique you wanted to try IMMEDIATELY???  That was this month's issue of Craft Stamper for me - an immediate inspiration:

See the little card down in the lower right corner with the bright colors?  That card was created using handcut felt stamps.... how cool is that??  I can't wait to try it...

This is an awesome magazine for exactly that reason - full of innovative and unique techniques that give you great new ideas to use your supplies!

Other feature articles in this month's issue include masculine card ideas, domino mini books, and an awesome altered book with "The Secret Garden" as the theme - definitely an issue not to be missed!

May 30, 2013

Two Little Quickies...

Just wanted to take a moment and share two quick product new arrivals and restocks...

First, from 7 Gypsies we've got a few new favorites and a few restocks on some old favorites:

And gorgeous new Stencil Girl stencils... these two were designed by our friend Nathalie Kalbach:

And we got in several other new styles as well:

I'm sure that even as I'm writing this more new product is on it's way to the store, so come in and check it out!

May 29, 2013

For Scrappers Who Do It Every Day...

Yes, I totally lifted the tag line from favorite scrapbooking magazine, Scrap365... After all, who among us wouldn't love to scrap 365 days a year?  Especially when we have amazing magazines like Scrap365 for inspiration!  This month's issue has the usual assortment of fun, innovative techniques and ideas that make you want to stop what you're doing and scrap right away!  In fact, if Michelle wasn't paying me to write this, that's exactly what I'd be doing!  Check it out... this month's theme is:

SUMMER!!!   Not only summer layouts, but ideas for mini books and SMASH books as well!  I really loved this month's feature on animal pages, not only because I love animals but also because they featured some really cool animals.... piglets, hippos, flamingos... these are not your typical pet pages!!!   Every month Scrap365 takes us off the page as well, and this months altered project is an adorable wreath made with with paper scraps, fabric flowers, and photos.... it's so cute!  Come on in and get your bi-monthly fix of spectacular scrap inspiration!

May 28, 2013

Owl My Gosh - This Weekend's Classes Are So Amazing!

This Thursday Michelle is teaching the CUTEST Stamp of the Month Class... check out these little owlies!

Just in time for Father's Day, this class really focuses on masculine care options.... Yay!  As with every Stamp of the Month class, you'll get a free stamp and in this class you'll also get to use one of Darcie's adorable and ever popular little face buttons... so sweet!  Class is offered twice on Thursday, either from 2-4pm or 6-8pm, so make sure you call on the dot and reserve your spot in your favorite slot.  A rhymer I am not.  Not.  Actually, I rhyme a lot. 

Then on Saturday and Sunday our special guest teacher Karen Burniston will FINALLY be here... can't WAIT for that one!  Check out all the details here, and if you're not signed up yet you better call RIGHT NOW cause those slots have been going fast the past few days!

May 27, 2013

Enjoy a Little Rest and Relaxation

Is it just me or does life seem busier than ever this year?  Gosh, it seems like I can't get finished with one project without five or six more new things piling up behind it... it's important to remember to take a break everyone and a while and enjoy life!

Now, I know for most of you just coming to our store is a restful, relaxing experience... after all, you come in, you shop around, you do a little crafting, you listen to our wild and crazy antics... really, who wouldn't have a good time???

But wait - what happens when you leave?  You get shoved back into your busy, demanding life.  Well, now you can take a little rest and relaxation home with you!  How, you ask?  Well, all you need is some new stamps from Inky Antics... they'll put you in the mood to unwind!  Check out some of the samples from their new release:

Isn't this a nice collection?  Don't you feel more relaxed and happy just looking at the samples?

Well, that's enough of that!  Get yourself un-relaxed and come on over and pick up your favorites before it's too late and your favorite is gone and you won't get to make your happy cards and you'll never feel relaxed and happy ever, ever, ever again!

Gosh, I'm sounding a little frantic, aren't I?  I'll be heading on over to the stamp aisle now......

May 26, 2013

FABULOUS New Designs from FabScraps!

We just put out three lovely new collections from one of our favorite new suppliers, FabScraps.  Why should you love FabScraps?  They're a little bit vintage, a little bit artsy, and a lotta bit unique and gorgeous... the perfect mix!  See what you think:



Shabby Chic

So what do you think?  I'm really diggin everything we get from them - can't wait to see more!

May 25, 2013

Oooohh.... Aaaahhhhh.... Foam Stamps!

Hip hip hooray!  I love fun new products.... you love fun new products... we all love fun new products!  Well, the new foam stamps we got in from Donna Downey definitely qualify as fun new products!  Foam stamps are awesome... they can be used with paints and their larger surface areas allow for some really fun stamping techniques.  Plus, these particular stamps are a pretty good size... around 7"x10", which means they're amazing on canvas, art journal pages, or, dare I say it, Gelli Plates!!!!  Lots and lots of good art times to be had with these babies:

Here's one of Donna's art journal pages using the Poppies foam stamp:

Pretty cool, huh?  Amazing visual impact, and they work equally well as background images or as the focal point.... love 'em!

May 24, 2013

New Prima Flowers and Embellishments

Just arrived - a beautiful selection of new Prima buttterflies, flowers, crystals, and stamps:

So pretty - but far too many styles in stock to put all of them up on the blog, so come on in to peruse the entire collection!