
October 31, 2013

Small Business Saturday - The BIG day is coming for Small Independent Retailers!

Small Business Saturday

The BIG day is coming for Small Independent Retailers!

Save the date – November 30, 2013

Every year American Express sponsors an event with to help give back to “small” businesses… businesses just like us! 

Wood Pack Ver.001 2009

Look, we all know that small businesses are the backbones of our community – they offer jobs and specialty products and quality service that cannot be found in some of the larger chain stores.  But… because they are small businesses they are often not eligible for the “bulk” discounts and tax breaks afforded to big chain stores, which makes it very difficult for little stores to compete.

So, once a year American Express encourages small business sales by offering you, the consumer, $10 back on your purchase when you use your American Express card at a registered small business.  How awesome is that?  Perfect time to pick up some of those things on your “to get” list; or use it to get ready for the holidays!


Everything Scrapbook and Stamps is a small business participant in this event and we encourage you to come and see us – we have some special events planned just for you :)   If you want more information please visit

Small Business Saturday - The BIG day is coming for Small Independent Retailers!

October 30, 2013

This Week's Classes!

It is hard to believe that it is already the end of the month! Where did October go in such a hurry?  It feels like the kids just went back to school!!!! Do not let this month get away without dropping in for a class or two.

Just a reminder that this Thursday, October 31st we are closing early. In order for our staff to be home to pass out candy and enjoy the festivities we will be closing at 6 pm.

Happy Halloween!


On Friday, November 1st from 6-8 out Basic Grey page of the month class is meeting to do their October layout.

Basic Grey October Papers for Layout

Basic Grey October Papers for Layout

Saturday we have two classes – “How do I?” and “Adventures in Art Journaling” Make Up for Part 1.

The “How do I?” class is from 10:30 – 11:30 and they will be exploring the many was to incorporate ribbons into your scrapbook pages.

trinketsribbonOur “Adventures in Art Journaling” class met Saturday, October 19th. If you missed it you will need to attend the make up class on Saturday, November 2nd to catch up. There is only one class for 2-4 pm.  This months page is so detailed and involved that we need to do it in two parts. We want to  make sure you have every opportunity to catch up.  Please be sure you get this first step done with us, you will never be able to complete two parts on one class.

 The week ends (or begins) with Tamara’s classes. Catch up with Tamara and enjoy her two classes on Sunday. “Copic Quickies” and  “Sweet Stampers”.


CandiBean – Penny’s Pully Wagon



CandiBean – Shop Til You Drop

Tamara’s work on these two cards is incredibly detailed and beautiful, her depth of field makes it appear as if the character’s are walking right off the page. She is introducing us to the CandiBean collection stamps by Little Darlings Rubber Stamps. Here we meet Penny and and her shopaholic friend using LD Backgrounds Around the World: London  and  Rolling Hills.

“Copic Quickies” is a great class for those just starting out using Copic Markers. Tamara is very talented and well trained using Copic Markers, learn the methods, tips and tricks and you will be coloring like a pro in no time at all! This month she is teaching medium and dark skin tones.

Medium and Dark Skin Tones

Medium and Dark Skin Tones

Before you know it, it will be next week! Make is a good one.








This Week's Classes!

October 29, 2013

Beatriz Guzman's visit was fun!

This past Saturday our customers really enjoyed Beatriz Guzman’s two classes and crops. If you had the privilege, or crazy luck, to be here you were part of our wacky world you experienced first hand how silly everyone was! Just by reading Nancy’s snippets of conversation on Facebook from the crop you get the idea why I personally think they were all crazy, glad I was home cleaning this night. Even Michelle stayed late to work on her scrapbook adding into the conversation and mayhem.

Michelle and Beatriz enjoying one anothers company!

Michelle and Beatriz enjoying one anothers company!

Here is just a taste of some of the lines Nancy overheard and posted. I am afraid to ask what the meaning was behind any of them!

my rat loves appletini’s
i have balls, here feel them
“blank” is pregnant and the father is a serial killer

Find us on Facebook too!

Oh, and how can I forget the gossip and rumor that stared in this class about ME and I was at home cleaning and minding my own business. No one was quite sure how it even started. Imagine my surprise when I got a text from Nancy saying I had a boyfriend? My only boyfriend is and will always be the man I have been happily married to for almost 20 years, you know the guy with the award-winning big balls?

The ONE AND ONLY love of my life!

The ONE AND ONLY love of my life!

Enough of that…now back to business. This is more exciting news anyway…

Beatriz’s layouts are always popular and we are lucky enough to have a four new LIMITED EDITION designs made exclusively of our store.

Chalk it up to life!

Chalk it up to life!


Do more of what makes you happy!

Do more of what makes you happy!





Family means everything to me for always & forever!

Family means everything to me for always & forever!

Beatriz Guzman designed these layouts for Everything Scrapbook and Stamps with the new Prima Collection. You can only purchase this kit directly from us. Let us know if you would like any (or all) of them!

Beatriz Guzman's visit was fun!

What is our Design Team Up To?

Check out what Luci Brito, one of our design team members did for us this month using Kairsercraft and Tim Holtz products. Luci worked on a 3D art challenge for us using Kaisercraft’s Beyond the Page Collection. She chose to decorate and embellish with “Santa’s Sleigh” and the  “Reindeer” using paper form the St. Nicholas Collection, also by Kaisercraft.

Santa's Sleigh by Kaisercraft before Luci worked on it.

“Santa’s Sleigh” by Kaisercraft before Luci worked on it.


Reindeer by Kaisercraft out of the package.

“Reindeer” by Kaisercraft out of the package.


With a few supplies in hand Luci got to work creative two festive pieces to adorn your tabletop for the holidays. “Santa’s Sleigh” is a perfect spot to display your holiday cards and treasures in as the “Reindeer” finishes off the display.

"St. Nicholas Collection" by Kaisercraft Tim Holz Red Micro Glitter Tim Holtz Distress Stickles - Clear Rock Candy Adirondack Dauber in Hazlenut

“St. Nicholas Collection” by Kaisercraft
Tim Holz Red Micro Glitter
Tim Holtz Distress Stickles – Clear Rock Candy
Adirondack Dauber in Hazlenut


Finished Designs by Luci Brito

Finished Designs by Luci Brito

Once Luci had the pieced painted, distressed and applied the paper she went on to the fun part, decorating and embellishing. Using Tim Holtz by Sizzix dies she added pop and pizzazz, especially when adorned with Tim’s Distress Glitter. “Holiday Wreath”, “Vintage Noel” and “Big Tattered Poinsettia” were the dies she used. The other embellishments added were buttons, brads and bling. Simple, easy and fun to do. This will make a great gift!



Back detail using Tim Holtz Vintage Noel die by Sizzix.

Back detail using Tim Holtz Vintage Noel die by Sizzix.

DSC_5970 DSC_5978

Finished with beautiful detail.

Finished with beautiful detail.


You really have to see these pieces in person to really appreciate Luci’s attention to detail. There is another Kaisercraft piece to add to this collection, “Wall Art – Reindeer”. You can buy the coordinating papers also by Kaisercraft in the “St. Nicholas” collection and create your own design to complete this festive collection.Reindeer Wall Art by Kaisercraft

What is our Design Team Up To?

October 27, 2013

Idle Chit Chat at Everything Scrapbook

Do you ever wonder what goes on at Everything Scrapbook and Stamps when you are not around? Weather we are helping customers, teaching classes or working quietly when no one is around we are always having fun. I think this is the craziest job I have ever had and I love it! If you so not understand sarcasm, you might get lost in there as we are all very sarcastic and crazy.

This week was a rare occasion, on Monday all four of us were in the store at once! We are “The Lunch Bunch”. Nancy has every Monday off, yet is drawn back in to eat lunch with Michelle and Lisa, it must be a snack thing. Tamara always tries to make it in between classes, kids, writing and her normal hectic pace she keeps.

The "Lunch Bunch"

The “Lunch Bunch”


Nancy spied a box of goodies!

Nancy spied a box of goodies!

Before you all complain that Nancy was cut out of the picture, you have to realize that this was the best shot we could get. She always has her hands in some sort of a snack! We had a lot of good laughs as we caught up with one another. It was great to catch up with Tamara and hear how well she is doing in school Watch for some great new news to be announced about her in the near future!

Since we were all together we had an impromptu staff meeting, planning out classes and events to the very end of 2013. Can you believe how close we are to 2014 already? Keep your eyes and ears open for all kinds of announcements for some special events we are in the process of planning.

Here is a sneak peek at our topic list….shhhh…don’t tell that I spilled the beans!

  • Black Friday Sale – November 29th

  • Small business Saturday – November 30th

  • Top Secret Tim Tags – Reveal on December 1st

  • Cookie Exchange (Can you guess whose idea this is?) – Limited to TEN – December 8th

  • Kids and Teen classes over Winter Break – December 27th and 30th – January 2nd and 3rd

Continue to watch the blog, Facebook and your e-mails for the details of these events and more!




Idle Chit Chat at Everything Scrapbook

October 25, 2013

Last Call for the Design Team! Deadline approaching....

Have you every noticed the beautiful pages and projects done around the store? These are done by our talented design team. We are putting out a call for new members for our team. The deadline is quickly approaching and we do not want you to miss out on the opportunity to share your talents with us. Read below for all the details. If you have any questions please email Nancy at or call us at 561-432-5201

Everything Scrapbook and Stamps is pleased to announce it’s 2014 Design Team Call!  If you want to create with the latest new products, have your work displayed in the store and featured on our blog and Facebook page then you need to apply!

Due date for all submissions is October 31, 2013

The Design Team Members will be notified by November 15, 2013

Here’s how to apply:

  • Complete a Design Team Application (You can pick one up at the store or email

  • Submit at least four projects or photos of your choice  in each of the areas that you would like to apply for (cards, altered items, layouts, mixed media) that will give us an idea of your style and originality.  We may request to see a sample in person; should this occur you are responsible for bringing it to the store/picking it up, or if you mail it you would cover mailing postage and we will cover return postage

  •  Each submission should include a product list for each items and sample instructions for at least one project

  • Put your name on each submission so we can return it to you

Here are the ESS Design Time requirements:

  • Design team members will submit two projects per month; at least one of these will include step-out pictures (including written directions or a video tutorial).  Pictures must be clear, well lit, attractively back-dropped, pre-cropped, and reduced in size.  All layouts and mini albums must include photos – not just mats.

  • Projects created using your design team product are property of ESS and may be reproduced or altered as suits our needs.  Design team projects may not be submitted to other websites, blogs, or contests without our approval.  Your project may sometimes be returned to you when it is no longer needed at the store (your name should be on the back of the project)

  • You will need to commit to a six-month term.  Please do not apply if you do not think you will be available for this time period.  This may be extended to a full year by mutual agreement.

  • Keeping a blog is a plus.  If you do operate and maintain a personal blog, we ask that you upload good pictures of your projects and make every effort to promote the store during your tenure as a design team member. 

  • During your time as a member of our design team you may belong to other design teams provided your ESS projects are clearly separated from the projects of other design team commitments.

  • As a design team member you will receive 10% off of all products purchased at ESS (*new product not available at discounted prices for the first two weeks after it arrives in the store).  This changes aligns with current staff guidelines

  • As a Design Team Member you will be responsible to submit one blog post per month

  • You will get to create projects using products from your favorite companies.  Choose from product lines we carry and we will assemble a package chosen just for you.  This package is no charge to you.

If you have any questions please email Nancy at or call us at 561-432-5201

We look forward to your creations – thanks in advance for participating!

Last Call for the Design Team! Deadline approaching....

October 22, 2013

New Classes!


This Week’s Classes

A2Z Journaling is all about the alphabet, well not quite literally. Use what you want, interpret it any way you choose and design your page based on “M” on Thursday, October 24th. With Halloween so close I wonder if anyone will use monster, mummy, mutilated, murder, mysterious, massacre… don’t be scared you will come out alive!

A2Z of Me - Art Journal Letter of the Month - "M"

A2Z of Me – Art Journal Letter of the Month – “M”

Are you decorating for fall and need something for your table top? Nancy’s class “Autumn Blessings” is an album, but in my opinion is goes far beyond that. It looks like a hand tooled leather book that would be a great addition to your tablescape. Friday, October 25th will be here soon, don’t miss out on this one.

Autumn Blessings

Autumn Blessings


Remember this week Beatriz Guzman will be traveling to teach her beautiful Thanksgiving and Christmas layouts. Call in and book your seat, her pages make scrapbooking a breeze, she has done all of the work and planning for you.

Beatriz Guzman

Thanksgiving Layout with Beatriz – October 26th from 10:30-11:30


Christmas Layout with Beatriz

Christmas Layout with Beatriz – Saturday, October 26th from 2-4 pm


Are you falling behind with some of your products? Perhaps you want to make a stack of cards to get in the mail for the holidays, make some page layouts, or play with your art journal. Maybe you just want a little “me time”, a girls night out. Come in this Saturday night form 5-12am and bring along your work, Beatriz will be cropping along with you all night.

We can find a place for you to work, it is up to you to find the time!

We can find a place for you to work, it is up to you to find the time!

The weekend ends with “Nancy’s Got Balls” on Sunday, October 27th  from 1-3. Get a jump-start on more holiday decorations. Home decor, hostess gifts, ornaments, cards all made with the idea that you can go home and reproduce them easily and inexpensively to give out as hostess gist, teachers gifts, grab bags and gift swaps.

Get creative and build up your repertoire with Nancy's Got Balls!

Get creative and build up your repertoire with Nancy’s  Balls!



New Classes!

October 21, 2013

Getting ready for Tim Holtz - Creative Chemistry 102

Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry 102

 Getting ready for Tim Holtz – Creative Chemistry 102

Supplies in stock now!

As the week passes us by there are lots of happenings in the store. Plenty of boxes have been arriving loaded with new inventory and replacing sold out stock. The most important box that has arrived is our Ranger box. Why you ask? How many of you are getting ready to take Tim Holtz’s “Creative Chemistry 102″ online class? This is a week long class and you will need plenty of supplies, and we carry them all!

Here are lists of his supplies. Come on in and we will be happy to help you complete the list. Too far away? We will happily ship them to you. Nancy has a knack for making our packages going out special. Unlike other on-line retailers we do not charge “handling” or other fees, we charge exactly what it costs to ship, saving you more money for shopping!

Featured Supplies:

  • Craft Sheet

  • Ink Blending Tool 

  • Ink Blending Foam 

  • Mister 

  • Mini Mister 

  • Heat Tool 

  • Stamps/Rubber or Clear 

  • Grid-Blocks 

  • Distress Ink 

  • Distress Reinker 

  • Distress Stains 

  • Distress Markers 

  • Distress Paint – including Antique Bronze Metallic 

  • Distress Clear Rock Candy Crackle Paint 

  • Distress Vintage Photo Embossing Powder 

  • Distress Glitter

  • Matte Glue n’ Seal

  • Distress Embossing Ink Pad

  • Clear Embossing Powder 

  • Antiquities Frosted Crystal Embossing Powder – you will want this! 

  • Sticky Embossing Powder 

  • Silver Embossing Powder 

  • Clear Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel – UTEE

  • Jet Black Archival Ink Pad

  • Adirondack Alcohol Inks

  • Adirondack Metallic Mixative 

  • Adirondack Blending Solution 

  • Adirondack Fillable Pen 

  • Adirondack Replacement Felts 

  • Mini Brayer

  • Ink Palette 

  • Waterbrush/Detailed 

  • Waterbrush/Flat 

  • Vagabond Machine 

  • Sizzix Silicone Rubber Pad 

  • Sizzix Impressions Pad

  • Texture Fades

  • Layering Stencils 

  • Other: Plain White School Chalk, Metallic Leafing

Suggested Surfaces:

  • #8 Manila Tags

  • #8 Black Tags 

  • Alcohol Ink Cardstock 

  • Distress Watercolor Paper 

  • Idea-ology Grungeboard or Chipboard 

  • Metal Foil Tape 

  • Foil Cardstock 

  • Idea-ology Alpha Parts 

  • Idea-ology Silver Tinsel Twine )

  • Idea-ology Corked Vials, Corked Domes  or glass pieces

  • Idea-ology Fragment Charms or clear acrylic pieces

  • Assorted Idea-ology Metal Charms or Findings

  • Other: Black & White Inkjet or Photocopied Photo

Getting ready for Tim Holtz - Creative Chemistry 102

October 19, 2013

What is our Design Team is up to?

Melinda Miller

Melinda Miller dazzled us with her design team challenge this month using We R Memory Keepers’ “Storytime” collection in a sophisticated and grown up manner, her interpretations of the paper went far beyond a childhood fairytale!

We R Memory Keepers - "Rapunzel"

We R Memory Keepers – “Rapunzel”


We R Memory Keepers - "Goldilocks"

We R Memory Keepers – “Goldilocks”


We R Memory Keepers - "Hansel"

We R Memory Keepers – “Hansel”


We R Memory Keepers - "Gretel"

We R Memory Keepers – “Gretel”

Who would think to use “Goldilocks” as a Halloween layout page? Melinda managed to do it quite successfully using pocket pages from We R Memory Keepers as we do in our Shoebox Project© classes. 

We R Memory Keepers Storytime Collection "Cinderella" for Halloween

We R Memory Keepers
Storytime Collection
“Cinderella” for Halloween

 Melinda Miller's Design - We R Memory Keepers Goldilocks

Using “Rapunzel” Melinda created a more traditional scrapbook page to highlight ‘Happily Ever After’,again another mature design using what could be perceived as a child like paper.

Rapunzel by We R Memory Keepers

Rapunzel by We R Memory Keepers

Jumping onto a canvas Melinda designed an intricate piece of mixed media art suitable to hang on your wall. Blending papers from “Hansel” and “Gretel” with assorted embellishments like flowers, keys, chipboard and ribbon. This is how to use your imagination and develop a beautiful piece of art with mixed media.

Challenge yourself to use paper beyond what it is a first glance, you be be amazed at the end result as we were with Melinda’s designs.


What is our Design Team is up to?

October 17, 2013

Karen Burniston's new line is in, now what?

Karen Burniston’s new line of Sizzix dies and thinlets that have just been released this month, have you seen them yet? There are a total of 14 new dies and here we highlight just the House Pop ‘Cuts Insert and Thinlet from the “Snippets” collection. They have arrived in the store this week and are ready to be played with.


Snippets House Pop 'n Cuts Insert and matching House Thinlits Set.

Snippets House Pop ‘n Cuts Insert and matching House Thinlits Set.

Tamara often uses Karen Burniston’s dies in the “Sweet Stampers” classes like she did here in the October class. She has used  the Bigz Accordion Album, Bigz Frame & Label, Bracket and Label & Stitched Frames Framelits for this card.

Sizzex+Accordian+Album+Die.jpgKaren Burniston is very good at providing us with plenty of tutorials and samples to inspire us to use her die cuts in our own work.



Below are many different ways to use the house Pop ‘n Cuts to make several varieties of cards. You are only limited by your imagination! These are all found on Karen Burniston’s Pinterest page and blog.

Frances Byrne using dies from the new Snippets collection. House Pop 'n Cuts insert, House Thinlits, Banner & Bordrs, Sassy Label Stitched Framelits. Fabulous creation!

Frances Byrne using dies from the new Snippets collection. House Pop ‘n Cuts insert, House Thinlits, Banner & Bordrs, Sassy Label Stitched Framelits. Fabulous creation!



Karen Burniston Pop 'n Cuts Square Base plus House Insert (Snippets), House Thinlits Set (Snippets) and Trellis/Swirls Embossing Folders.

Pop ‘n Cuts Square Base plus House Insert (Snippets), House Thinlits Set (Snippets) and Trellis/Swirls Embossing Folders.


Other Pop ‘n Cut Inserts and Framlets now in stock

The Multi-Tier is the second new insert. This is a generic insert with four different levels, or tiers, to be able to construct pop-up scenes. The two tall tiers are perfectly sized to hold the Flagpole Sizzlits Strip, as you see here, although of course they can be used for anything else.

The Multi-Tier is the second new insert. This is a generic insert with four different levels, or tiers, to be able to construct pop-up scenes. The two tall tiers are perfectly sized to hold the Flagpole Sizzlits Strip, as you see here, although of course they can be used for anything else.

The last new insert is the Sassy Label. Labels continue to be excellent sellers in the Pop 'n Cuts family. Crafters love being able to quickly animate a greeting or use the labels to animate other objects.

The last new insert is the Sassy Label. Labels continue to be excellent sellers in the Pop ‘n Cuts family. Crafters love being able to quickly animate a greeting or use the labels to animate other objects.

Stitched Framelits. These dies can be used on their own for layered labels, with or without stitch lines, since the stitch lines are on separate dies.

Stitched Framelits. These dies can be used on their own for layered labels, with or without stitch lines, since the stitch lines are on separate dies.


This is just a sample of what we have in the store. All 14 Karen Burniston dies are IN STOCK at Everything Scrapbook and Stamps now!


Karen Burniston's new line is in, now what?

October 16, 2013

Beatriz Guzman is coming to town!

Guess who is coming to town and is causing quite a stir in the hive?

Beatriz GuzmanBeatriz Guzman! She is teaching two classes and hosting a midnight crop this month.  You may have seen the amazing kits and completed layouts for sale in the store. Did you know people actually collect her kits? One customer has over 90!  Some of these have been designed by Beatriz.  She is one talented lady!  This is a chance to take a class with her andLearn to scrapbook the Beatriz way”  You will ink, paint, cut and manipulate your papers in a very different but fun way.  Never look at your scrapbook paper the same way again.

Beatriz Guzman

Fall Layout with Beatriz Guzman


Christmas Layout with Beatriz

Christmas Layout with Beatriz


She is also treating us with her company at our midnight crop. Join her for “Craft Night” on October 27th from 5 pm to midnight. The phone lines are buzzing with her fans from all over the state who will be coming into town just to take her layout classes and work with her at craft night. Call in now for your table space. This is the perfect opportunity for some “Me Time”.  Catch up on cardmaking, scrapbooking, altered art, canvas, art journaling and doing one of Bea’s layout kits.  Hang out with your friends in a fun and creative atmosphere with Bea.

Beatriz Guzman is coming to town!