
April 27, 2014

The Art of Whimsical Lettering

Girl, put your letters on… show me your favorite drawings… you go ahead let your flair out!  What am I singing about?  Why, Joanne Sharpe’s brand new book, The Art of Whimsical Lettering, of course.  This book just makes me happy, and happy makes me feel like singing, and when I feel like singing you guys get weird blog posts with vague song references in them… you’ll just have to deal with it :)

Back to The Art of Whimsical Lettering – it’s just… fun.  Learning how to draw awesome, whimsical letters will absolutely elevate your work to the next level, and they can be used on virtually anything – scrapbook pages, art journals, cards, altered art.  The sky is the limit!  Take a peak at the cover and a small selection of the numerous projects you’ll find inside:

The Art of Whimsical Lettering Joanne Sharpe

Art Frees Your Sould Art Frees Your Sould

There's No Place Like Home There’s No Place Like Home

art of whimsical lettering 4

You've Always Had the Power You’ve Always Had the Power

 These samples are so juicy and delicious they make me want to get my pens out RIGHT NOW and start doodling – and you should too!  After you come to Everything Scrapbook and Stamps and pick up your own copy of this amazing new book, of course!  See you there!

The Art of Whimsical Lettering

April 23, 2014

You Can Capture More Bees with Honey....

Yeah, yeah… I know… it’s supposed to be “catch”… you can “catch” more bees with honey than with… well, I don’t know really.  Some other non-sweet substance.  The point is, I was trying to come up with a clever title for the two awesome new lines we received from Basic Grey… “Capture” and “Herbs and Honey”!  Hey, dont be judgy… this blog writing gig isn’t as easy as you might think!  Basic Grey is well known for their modern twist on classic colors and design and these collections are no different:

Herbs and Honey:

Basic Grey Herbs and Honey Basic Grey Herbs and Honey

Basic Grey Honey Artichoke Basic Grey Honey Carrot Basic Grey Honey Collection Pack Basic Grey Honey Corn Basic Grey Honey GreenBeans Basic Grey Honey Onion Basic Grey Honey Pear basic grey honey radish Basic grey Honey Raspberry Basic grey Honey Strawberry Basic Grey Honey TomatoAnd Capture:

BG CaptureBasic Grey Capture Collection Pack Basic Grey Capture My Favorite Basic Grey Capture Noted Basic Grey Capture Today I Basic Grey Captured Currently Basic Grey Captured Love This Basic Grey Captured Right Now Basic Grey Captured The Best Basic Grey Captured The DetailsSo, now that we’ve lured you in with this “Honey” sweet post, make sure you make it to the store and “Capture” your favorites before our other busy bees beat you to it!  (I heard that groan!)


You Can Capture More Bees with Honey....

April 22, 2014

They Say You Want a Revolutiooon.... We All Want to Change the World!

Woo Hoo!  Listen up ladies – the revolution is here! 

I have to say – I was SO excited when Michelle brought Pan Pastels into the store.  I mean, they’re just awesome, right???  They don’t look like anything else, they don’t apply like anything else, they are completely unique from everything else.  The range and depth of color achievable is amazing!  Check out this picture I created last year using Pan Pastels:

PanPastels PoppiesPretty, right?  I mean, I’m not an artist or anything but for an experiment working in this medium I thought it turned out OK….

But… isn’t there always a but? 

It wasn’t so fun for me getting up to run outside between each color… especially since it was raining outside.  The fumes for the normal fixatives, even the low odor fixatives, were just too strong to use in the house.  Bummer. 

That is, bummer no more!  The folks at Spectra Fix have released an awesome fixative for your Pan Pastels and Michelle, being the brilliant and eco-friendly woman that she is, got some in the store for you!

SpectraFixSo here’s the skinny on this bottle of awesomeness – first of all, as you might have guessed, you can use it inside!!!  It holds product without distorting color and is very, very safe to use compared to traditional fixatives.  The only caution we would give would be to those with known casein allergies; casein is found in milk products and if you didn’t know that, chances are you aren’t allergic.  And hey,  guess what?  It doesn’t just work on Pan Pastels… it also works on charcoal, conte crayon, pencil, casein, watercolor, tempera, gouache, with crossover techniques and under oils. 

So, sun, rain, sleet, or shine… OK, we’re in Florida so it’s mostly just rain and shine… you can always get your Pan Pastel fix with Spectra Fix!!!  Get it, your “fix” with Spectra “Fix”?  See what I did there?  Tee hee hee hee hee…  I have missed this :)



They Say You Want a Revolutiooon.... We All Want to Change the World!