
October 8, 2008

Meeting Cheryl

I don't know what was wrong with Blogger yesterday but it labeled my Monday night post as Fridays???? Strange!

Anyway on to today's post.

At the Convention I attended this weekend, I got to take a class from the very talented Cheryl Mezzetti. I have admired her work for a long time so it was great to meet her. She works for Creative Imaginations and lives in Boston. Cheryl speaks just like Rosemary but funnier. It was great to tease her and get her to say certain words so I could laugh. I know, I know it is the small silly things that amuse me.

Here are some samples of her work. The photos don't do them justice. She has lots of cute details throughout.

She also is a strong believer in the CI Super Seal that we have at the store. She covers all her work with it to protect it. She even tells a story of one of her projects being left in a snow bank under her car overnight and when her husband found it the next day there was no damage. I am definately going to be using it on my projects from now on.

hmmm I just noticed I use the word "great" way too much. Gonna have to get out my thesaurus.

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