
October 23, 2008

Old Friends & Chaos

Uli my friend from Germany finally tracked me down. She has been trying to get my attention for months but I have been too busy to respond. So Uli thanks for perservering and I look forward to seeing you in a couple of months.

I love owning a scrapbook store but it is a lot of work and I sometimes neglect my friends and family. It is my Mothers Birthday tomorrow so I will be taking the day off to go and visit her. Talking about being neglectful, my scrapbook room has suffered. Those of you that have read my blog from the begining know how organized my scrapbook room used to be. Well here are the frightful photos of it now. Warning. These photos are quite graphic and those of you with weak hearts may not want to look :)

Well I must go, we have two stamp classes today with a total of 48 people participating so there are bound to be some mishaps and lots of giggles.

So as Uli would say Auf Wiedersehen! Well she would really say "goodbye" as she speaks great english except for the word glue!!!!!

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