
March 25, 2010

Rosemary is a BIG FAT CHEATER

The title does not imply that Rosemary is Big cos she is of average height or that she is fat cos she is quite svelte.

It just means she is a BIG FAT CHEATER. You can see that our quarter piles are even. I earned my quarters! Rosemary begged for hers and did not earn them. She even tied a bow for a customer to get a quarter.

Rosemary was quite upset today because her stack was smaller and so Myrna who I thought was the CUTEST customer ever came and gave Rosemary more quarters so that the piles were even. . . . hmm . . . Myrna you are no longer the Cutest customer ever.

If Rosemary could just learn not to swear she would not have to give her quarters to me !

If you tilt the photo it looks like I have the most quarters!
(by the way: I am taking applications for the Cutest Customer Ever, just ask for the form when you come in)

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