
April 12, 2010

Cheryl Mezzetti = Fun & Creativity

As you know we had Cheryl Mezzetti teaching three classes this weekend. They were lots of fun. Cheryl is a great teacher and has a sparkling personality.

Friday night she taught the Under the Sea Tiki Hut class.

On Saturday she taught two classes

Just to show you how sweet our customers are:
Our Customers bought in treats for us

Homemade Lemon Cookies
- these are the best lemon cookies I have ever tasted

Yummy Bagels and Cream Cheese

Absolutely scrumptious Brownies

Lovely Chocolate Cupcakes

Cheryl even got to meet Fred (before he was kidnapped)

What is it about Fred that inspires normal people to become violent???
Cheryl tried to strangle him

This was the Inspired Traveler Class

Some of the ladies posing with Cheryl from the Perfect Escape Class

It was a fun filled event and all kits were sold out including all the extras that
Cheryl brought with her.
Don't worry if you missed her classes Cheryl will be joining us again soon.

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