
April 8, 2010

Cheryl Mezzetti

is on her way to our store. Although her flight is a little delayed. She should be landing just after Midnight.

Hopefully she does not need a lot of sleep cos she is teaching the Under The Sea Class tomorrow night!

I can't wait to see the sample. Do you think it would be wrong of me to ask her to open her luggage at the airport so I can look? It might be kind of rude. hmm she might be so sleepy when she gets off the plane she won't notice me going through her case. Wonder if I can distract her while I do it.

If I point and say "ooh Cheryl look at that Palm Tree, its so pretty". I know that kind of distraction works with Capella :)

1 comment:

  1. hahaha i should not have looked at that palm tree! You are incredible ===thank you so much for having me in to teach!
