
April 17, 2010

Fred is OK

Fred is okay after playing in traffic. He got a little banged up by a speeding jeep but after 30 stitches and some antibiotics he is resting peacefully.

He should be released from the hospital tomorrow.

I won't allow Rosemary to bunnysit anymore. I was teaching a class and she was supposed to be looking after him. He was kept asking her "What's for Lunch?, what's for Lunch?" and she got annoyed with him and told him to play outside.

To give her credit, she did not expect him to try and cross the street. But, bunnies hop everywhere and he saw a chicken on the other side and wanted to play.

Luckily, the doctors don't think there will be any permanent damage. He will be on bed rest for a couple of days and then will be able to go back to being the sweet little rascal that he is.

1 comment:

  1. I was in the store and this story is completely false, Rosmary kept telling you that you needed to find Fred and you just kept on with what you were doing. Fred was seen playing in traffic and Jacqui saved his life and brought him back to play in his garden. You must have let him out again and that is when he got hurt. I think everyone is right, and that Fred should be crushed and put over ice cream.
