
April 20, 2010

Sepia Memories Class & Layout

Tonight we had the Sepia Memories Wall Canvas Class and thought I would show you some of the finished projects. Aren't they fabulous. They had an easy relaxed time and have a piece of art to hang on their walls when they get home.

Here is another one.
Nobody else wanted me to take their pictures :(

I managed to get this layout done before the class using
Anna Griffin Papers and a Martha Stewart Punch.

This is my sister and her new husband.
They got married on the beach a couple of weeks ago
These papers from Anna Griffin are perfect for wedding photos

Tried to get a close up to show how dimensional the layout is
but I need to be able to use the camera better

Love those Martha Stewart Punches!!

1 comment:

  1. Love how you used that MS punch! Gorgeous!
