
April 2, 2010

We would like to welcome

the newest staff member to Everything Scrapbook & Stamps.


Derek has just moved here from Seattle and should be starting with us in the next couple of weeks when he has finished getting settled into his new house.

Now, I know you ladies are asking why we hired a man. Well, I could tell you I hired this guy for his looks alone as he is Hot and by Hot I mean Smokin!!!! but, that is not the reason.

(By the way he does not know about our blog yet, so he won't be reading this because I would be absolutely mortified if he read what I said about him.)

Anyway, I digress, the reason we hired him is because he has experience with the internet and photography. Derek also has a good sense of humor and will fit in well with all of us here.

So a big welcome to Derek from ESS, you will be meeting him soon and I know you will all enjoy his presence. (not just looking at him!!!)


  1. I am cracking up your blog is soo great! You have a wonderful sense of humor and i am looking forward to meeting everyone soon!

  2. I haven't been to ESS for awhile...but now I've got to get in to see Derek...or, did you ladies run him out already ??? LOL
