
May 25, 2010

Are you interested in finding out about your Family History?

We are so excited to announce that starting in June we are offering classes twice a month in Genealogy.

Are you curious about your ancestors, who they are and where they came from?
Not sure how to get started?
Not sure what is fact and what is a family story?

Then this is a series of classes that will interest you. Taught by an Accredited Genealogist, that will show you how to start research into your own Family History.

You will be given the forms that you need to start your research.

We will have a special guest lecturer from the Family History Center who will show you all the ways that you can use the vast repository of free information that the LDS holds in it's record banks.

You will gain valuable insight on how to conduct your research the correct way.

In the fall we will also offer classes on how to scrapbook the information you have found.

I am so excited to be able to offer these classes. Please check the calendar for dates and times or call the store for more information.

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