
December 13, 2010

Tim Holtz: Make and Take Christmas Tags

Well here they are at last. Our take on Tim Holtz's 2010 Christmas Tags. Tim has outdone himself this year as you can see from the selection of tags in the photo (yes I know there's only 11. The last one is due out today).

These beautiful tags would normally take hours to put together, but we've prepared a special Make and Take which allows you to create them in minutes instead. The Make and Takes are in store now and will be available through Christmas. So if you still need a tag or two (or just want to get out of the house), drop by, take advantage and have some fun too.

FYI You'll need to bring along:
  • Adhesive
  • Scissors
  • Pop Dots
  • Any Tim Holtz Ink Blending Tool
  • Plus Extra Pads

And the best part is that these elegant tags are only $5 each. A bargain compared to what it would cost to put them together from scratch. Win!

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