
March 3, 2011

BasicGrey Page of the Month

We are starting a new year of the
Basic Grey Page of the Month Club.

The Club starts in March at a cost of $60 every 3 months.
Last year we sold out for the entire year.

Each month you will receive a kit filled with the latest BasicGrey supplies to create a double-page layout. and you have three options:

1. Get the kit with a full set of color instructions and photos of the completed layout for you to copy the Basic Grey Style.

2. Come to our class at no additional cost where we take the exact same kit and make a completely different layout for you to do it our way.

3. You can take the kit and do whatever you like with it.
You can create your own layout, make cards, altered art or even home decor items.
Whatever you can dream up.

Any of the options still make this the perfect way to catch up on your scrapbooking.

Here are the samples for the March and April Classes/Kits

March the BasicGrey Way
using the Life of the Party Collection

April the BasicGrey Way
using the Hello Luscious Collection

Give us a call and guarantee that you get a kit each month

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