
July 16, 2011

whew what a day

Today was a busy day here in Chicago.

I had a very long meeting with Spellbinders and I am so excited to see some of the things that are happening.

We are going to be having a lot of fun at the store,
not that we don't already have fun,
cos we do.

Just additional fun if you know what I mean.
With Spellbinders that is.

I have the third image for Cheryl Mezzetti's classes that are coming up in August

Inspired Altered Canvas Album

This fabulous book uses old book papers and the butterfly is made from Canvas

and as a reminder here are the other two classes

Easel Album

Seaside Escape Envelope Book

Cheryl will be teaching these three classes August 20th and 21st
We are taking sign ups so if you don't want to miss out call the store

Well I am going to have dinner with a vendor, then answer some emails and it's off to bed for me. I have a very busy day tomorrow.
Night everyone.

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