
October 1, 2011

Smash Club

We thought it might be fun to start a new monthly club geared toward the Smash Craze.

so we are so very excited to announce that we are starting a Smash Club.

If you are not sure what Smash is check out this nifty little video

Isn't that just uber cool and FUN!!!

So join our Smash Club . . . .

Bring your Smash Book to share your interpretation of this fun new hip style of scrapbooking.

The Club will meet monthly and is hosted by Amy (a Smash Fanatic)

Our first meeting will be on Sunday October 23rd at 1:00pm -
You will do a little project, share ideas and figure out where our Smashing adventure will take us.
there is no charge to attend but you do need to RSVP so that we know how many projects to prepare.

and who knows Amy may even have some Smash Goodies as prizes or giveaways.

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