
November 28, 2011

Midnight Crop

and come to

Do you need some uninterrupted Crafting Time?
Come to one of our Midnight Crops and get caught up on your cardmaking, ATC, altered art, scrapbooking or other projects. (You will be sharing a table so this is the perfect time to work on projects / kits that don't require you to bring the entire contents of your scrapbook room with you)
We will have snacks and soda available.

Photo from one of the October Crops


For the month of December at our crops you can win a gift pack of product valued at $25.00
There are a few ways to earn the tickets to be entered into the drawing to win . . . . . .

Here is how you can earn tickets:

Sign up and pay for a crop in December
Be one of the first 6 people signed up at the crop.
Spend $25 at the crop
Come before 5:00pm
Complete 4 Scrapbook Pages or 12 cards
Bring a friend to the crop

Photo of one of the October Crops Prize winner

Crops are exciting and fun and you get to hang out with your friends or make new ones.

Escape the kids, the husband and the chores.

We have product demos and Make n Takes
and it goes without saying that there will be lots of laughter.

One of the Make n Takes from the October Crop

We have two crops scheduled in December.
Friday December 2nd and Saturday December 17th

We hope we will see you at a crop this December

1 comment:

  1. Friday is December 2, the third is a Saturday. I have marked the 3rd on my calender. Which is it?
