
April 9, 2012

Prepare to be amazed

Warning this post is photo heavy as I did not want to miss any details.

Do you guys remember the Christmas Stockings that a dear customer Jeannie made for us? Well she has been at it again, this time she made each of us an astounding Easter Basket.

The time and attention she put into each basket just blows me away.

Can you say STUNNING? Imaginative, Talented!

Here are the baskets

Now for the close up shots

Everything is hand cut, layered and popped up
Her attention to detail is amazing

Each basket is completely different

Lots of hand cutting

Look at the eyeball and the flying pigs in my basket
Look closely and you can see a little nest inside

A close up of the tiny nest

Simply Stunning.

There are no words that I can say to convey how grateful we are to her; for the time she took to make these very personalized, creative and thoughtful gifts.

Jeannie we love you :)

Your talent inspires us!
We will treasure them always.


  1. She needs to be on a design team for one of the big companies. she is beyond fabulous!

  2. Truely amazing and she filled them with goodies.. Is this the same person that made your stockings also. She is one gifted person by crafts and heart.
