
June 25, 2012

Customer Appreciation Corner #1

If there's one thing we know about our customers, it's this - we've got some uber talented ladies shopping here! (I don't mean to cut the guys out here, but I didn't want to say "customers" again, and really, we only have a few men that dare to come in here and shop with us, and we've never seen their work. Ergo, "ladies"!) One thing we ALWAYS love to see is your work - all the lovely little projects you've made with the product we've sold you.

So we got to thinking, really, that all this talent should not go to waste. We should showcase it - and so the Customer Appreciation Corner was born! But "Who, who, who" we wondered, should be showcased first? Well, to be honest, it wasn't hard at all to pick.

Jeannie Ziegelman has been WOWING us with the incredible handmade altered items she's been bringing in for us. First, there were stockings for Christmas - one for each employee. And let me just say that the detail and craftsmanship that went into those stockings was astonishing - I count it as one of the finest Christmas gifts I have ever received - really.

Then at Easter she brought in handmade Easter baskets that were so special and unique - again, they were just stunning in intricate detail. Everytime I look at mine I see something I didn't see before.

Well, Jeannie's done it again. She brought in a little Halloween house that is absolutely to die for... each part of it is more enthralling than the last. We're going to be a little mean here and just show you sneak peaks - after all, Jeannie worked incredibly hard on this project and we don't want just any Joe Shmoe coming along and copying it - which is so easy to do when you publish something online. We are going to show you a few bits and pieces though, and invite you to come on in and explore it in person - you won't regret it!

I love that happy, vintage moon and the brick embossed chimney.... just look at the leaves dangling from the tree branches, just waiting to fall and clutter up the drive....

And whoooo's peaking through that window?

Seriously, who would think to glue three lampposts together to create a 3-D lamp, and then add a bulb? See what I'm talking about with the detail? So inspiring - I can't decide whether I want to run away with it or start my own and see what I can come up with.... and that, my friends, is what true inspiration is all about.

We want to congratulate Jeannie on being the very first artist showcased in our Customer Appreciation Corner - she's always such a joy when she comes in to shop with us and we're honored to be able to share her work with you.


  1. I was in the shop when it came in. It's to die for.

  2. How absolutely wonderful. What an imagination, someone has a very special talent.

  3. She is so Talent I got to see this first hand and these pictures don't do it justiced.. Please stop by the store and see for it yourself you want be disappointed
