
June 10, 2012

Michelle is Delusional....

Wait - I meant Dylusional... actually, I meant Michelle is USING Dylusions stencils, sprays, and stamps in this month's art journaling adventure!

OK, maybe you still don't know what I'm talking about... I mean, after all, the Dylusions product flies out the door every time we get a shipment, and the art journaling workshops are filling up faster than we can find seats. (We have to find them, since Nancy keeps moving them!) Maybe you just haven't had the chance to really see these exceptional products.

Dylusions products are designed by renowned mixed media artist Dyan Reaveley, beloved world wide for her fresh and funky use of color and design. Here's Dyan:

Here's the picture of Michelle and Dyan together last month at Ranger U... (Michelle (hearts) Dyan!):

And here are just a couple great Dylusions products:

Not that these products aren't great enough by themselves, but Michelle has combined them with stamps from Stamp Boutique to make a fantastically weird and wonderful layout for the Art Journaling club this month - I'm not going to show you the whole thing though - bwah ha ha ha ha!!! You can check out the mini sample below:

The layers of color just seem to be endless - fanciful whimsy to the extreme. We still have a few spaces left for this month's class, but just a very few - if you want to be on the in call the store to sign up now!

OK, quick quiz just to see who's paying attention - who remembers the name of the fabulous (?) English treat that Dyan brought Michelle at Ranger U? (Major hint: there's already a post about it - do some research people!) The first person to post the correct answer will win a marvelous handmade award from Tamara - see, Tamara is not stingy at all with awards. Tamara loves to acknowledge people's hard work and accomplishments by bestowing on them very important and precious awards. I know this, because I am Tamara. I think this is a philosophy we could use in this store. The award philosophy, that is. At least as it applies to me. And that's all I have to say about that.


  1. Replies
    1. You are amazing - but you must leave your name so you can be the winner!

  2. Hello Michele,

  3. Hee hee I know, I know!!! Love me some dylusions xx

  4. too lazy to check back, but hey, I can read the comments right in front of my it ...twiglets?

    1. You are amazing!!! But you are not the winner..... ;)
