
June 30, 2012

Summertime Blues? Table Time Rules!

Are you starting to feel it? The kids are out of school, the days are getting hotter and hotter, your patience is getting shorter and shorter, and the mythological "Me Time" is getting harder and harder to come by. You need to get away, but where, O where can you go?

Everything Scrapbook and Stamps, of course!

We have a glorious thing here called Table Time - as long as there is no class scheduled, you are welcome to pack up some of your favorite projects and come on in - sit at our tables and work on your stuff in relative quiet (you do have to put up with us, but we consider ourselves fairly entertaining, especially compared to children. Although, some customers do compare us to children.... hhmmmm....). Best of all, Table Time is completely free! Just look at some of our happy customers, Carine and Jacqui, enjoying Table Time:

Don't have any of your own projects to work on, or just want to make a quick escape without packing? Don't forget about our Card Frenzy projects or our Tim Tags - those are always here waiting to be worked on! Here are Betty and Delores working on some Card Frenzies:

So come on in and enjoy a few relaxing hours of recharge - the chair's on us. 

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