
July 16, 2012

Even More Fabulousness from Julie Balzer and Crafter's Workshop

We just got in even MORE cool stencils from Crafter's Workshop designed by Julie Balzer... Check 'em out:
I know what your thinking - these are beautiful... gorgeous.... splendiforous even. But, what are you going to do with them? If you're needing a little inspiration, you'll be amazed... I'm talking AMAZED at how easy it is to use the mini Edith and Maude stencil. Look at what Julie does with the full version of this stencil in just a few minutes:

(Take note: the paints she uses are Claudine Helmuth acrylics, which we have available in the jars or the newly released mini sets:
Thought I'd leave you with a little more inspiration, but if you love them make sure you come and get them - they're going quick!! Look at all the different stencils used in the following samples - love, love, LOVE 'em! :)

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