
August 16, 2012

Just in from Bo Bunny...

Two great new collections in from Bo Bunny just in time for fall and travel time...

Apple Cider

This is a favorite of mine... behind the girly pinks and neutrals I usually go for, fall colors are my second favorite color palette. This collection is full of splendid fall color - I can practically smell the falling leaves:


OK, time for another big secret store reveal - Michelle has a problem. I'll let you stew for just a moment on all the possibilities there......

No, I'm actually talking about Michelle's secret addiction - to travel collections. It's not so secret really - we are constantly scrambling to find room for more and more and more travel stuff! And by we, I totally mean Nancy.

Addiction aside, Bo Bunny's new Detour collection is marvelous - great colors, great images - perfect for trips to just about anywhere.

Gosh, those little universal signs are so cute - punch them out and coat them with some glossy accents and you've got some super cute handmade embellishments... I'm just sayin'.... Bo Bunny never stays in stock for long, so come and get it while you can!

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