
October 9, 2012

Classes This Weekend...

Michelle may be away, but we've still got some fab-oo-lous classes lined up for this weekend!

On Friday night from 6pm-8pm Nancy starts the weekend off with a bang in her "Nancy is a Blockhead" class.  I know, I know... you're probably thinking I thought up the name of that class, but you're wrong!  We all took a vote and decided together... no, honestly, Michelle thought it up, but Nancy ran with it so we all make sure to take our time and enjoy it.  We ask about it all the time.  "How's you're blockhead class going?"  and "Did they have fun in your blockhead class the other night?"  Hee hee hee... I'm not sure she enjoys it or not, but she sure is an awfully good sport about it!

Her October sample is awesome:

This class is $20 for the tags, and an additional $15 if it is your first time so that you can get the block kit.  Once you have the blocks, you can come every month for new seasonal tags - so fun!

Then on Saturday from 11am to 1pm Rosemary is teaching her Sketch It card class.  Rosemary designs all her own card sketches and then shows you how you can use them multiple ways.  Then you keep all the sketches in a binder so you can refer back to them.  This class is $25, and there is a $10 fee for the binder if you've never taken the class before.    Here's a peek at this month's class:

Last but certainly not least, on Sunday from 1pm to 3pm Eli is teaching Copic 101.  This is the beginning class for learning how to use Copic markers... you will need to bring a Copic blender marker but everything else is provided.  You will learn how the colors work together and proper coloring techniques, plus tricks and tips on using the Copic blender marker. 

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