
October 3, 2012

DYAN DAY 2: It's Getting a Little Inky In Here...

Well, it's day two of Dyan Reaveley's visit to Everything Scrapbook and Stamps and I have to say, it's getting a little inky in here!  For most of us, this won't be a problem, but I can't help thinking about poor Rosemary.  You KNOW she has a difficult time with getting messy - she just can't help herself!  If any little speck of anything flies anywhere, she whips a towel out of her magical mystery bra and gives it a wipe!  So there's just no way she's going to be able to handle this:

Or this:

Look at Dyan in the background there, slyly looking away from the camera and absolving herself of the inky mess... you know, I don't think she feels one bit bad about all this ink.  And after all we've done to make her feel at home.  Michelle even took the time to fly her best bud over for a little comfort:

That was awfully nice of Michelle.  And then Dyan goes and gets us all inky... I guess it's true what they say about those famous designers...

Ha ha!  Not!  If you've been following this blog for long you'll know by now that there's not much truth to what I blather on about most of the time... except for this part here:

Everyone is having a blast!  I've never seen our customers on better behavior (tee hee hee - you know who you are, ladies!), and they're all loving their experience with Dyan!  I get to take a couple classes tomorrow and I'm SO excited - it's going to be an awesome time!  As for Rosemary, she'll get over it.  She can console herself by looking at a few more AMAZING samples:

Jealous yet?  We got in plenty of Dyan's stamps, stencils, and inks in preparation for her classes, so make sure to come in and take a close look at these samples and pick out those products you just can't live without!

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