
January 28, 2013

Announcing Artology - An Exciting Mixed Media Event!

We've given a few hints, but the time has finally come to announce an exciting upcoming mixed media event - Artology!

Michelle has partnered with special guest teacher Cheryl Mezzetti to bring you a fun-filled retreat weekend at the West Palm Beach Marriott.  Artology will be April 4-7, 2013 for a fee of $385. 

I know the flier picture is a little small, so here's what you get:

- 4 full and 2 mini mixed media workshops with Michelle and Cheryl
- 4 meals
- Full 24/7 access to the studio for crafting
- Easy shopping access
- Discounted prices on overnight guest rooms for those who choose to stay at the hotel; hotel prices   include breakfast
-Goodie bags, giveaways, and plenty of artsy recreation time!

Michelle and Cheryl have been working overtime to bring you beautiful new projects incorporating great new products and techniques - this is an event not to be missed!

For more information and registration, call 203-829-3101 or email

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