
January 31, 2013

New Scrap 365

We just got in the Feb/March issue of Scrap 365 - have I mentioned how much I love this magazine?  (I'm sure I have...)

Have I mentioned that in addition to all the fabulous articles in Scrap 365, there is amazing on-line bonus content as well?  I have?  Well, I'm mentioning it again!  For instance, every month they run an awesome sketch challenge which is open to American residents - check out this month's sketch:

Cute, right?  What a great place to go for inspiration, AFTER you get done trying out some of the awesome techniques and sketches you'll find in the magazine.  This month's featured articles include:

  • PDQ Layouts - Layouts you can create in under an hour
  • It's Only Natural - Layouts created using mother nature as your inspiration
  • So Distressing! - Making awesome backgrounds with distress stains and water

And there's so much more - if you're tired of the same old same old, you really need to give this magazine a try!

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