
February 16, 2013

Enjoy the Fresh Air and Sunshine...

Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine... No, not outdoors silly!  This is Florida - we can go outside almost any old time!  I meant enjoy the feeling of fresh air and sunshine without dealing with bugs and potential skin cancer while you sit in your happily air conditioned crafting space and play with your brand new Graphic 45!!!

The long awaited Graphic 45 French Country and Secret Garden papers and embellishments are HERE!  Right now!  I can't believe I'm actually writing this post and not pawing through the inventory myself for my own stash!!!  Lucky for you I'm behind on my typing today so if you hurry you may actually get to go through it before I do.... because I'm a Graphic 45 HOARDER!

I've previewed these lines for you before during CHA, but here's a quick recap:

This is my favorite way to enjoy the outdoors... from the indoors!  I can't wait to get a chance to play with these two awesome collections... Graphic 45 hit it out of the park once again!

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