
February 10, 2013

Hot New Find from CHA...

Don't you just love it when Michelle has been to CHA?  All this fabulous new product comes rolling into the store - it's like Christmas all over again, without the cooking and the clean up and the stress!

I know SO many of you who are going to be thrilled with this new product - finally, an awesome and super easy envelope maker!  Don't you hate it when you make a special card in an off size and then can't find any way to mail it?  Well, you can say goodbye to that problem...

We R Memory Keepers, always great tool innovators, have brought to us an amazing little beauty that helps you quickly and easily make envelopes in  more than 60 different sizes - check this out:

Pretty cool, right?  Lucky me - I have a birthday coming up... I know exactly what I'll be asking for!

Coming to ESS very soon!

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