
March 16, 2013

The Celebs are Circling the Building....

Exciting news to share - we've got many of our special guest teachers booked set for the year!!

First up - Holy Bangers and Mash!!!!  The highly anticipated return of Dyan Reaveley will be on May 11th and 12th - not soon enough for us!

These are the classes she'll be teaching:

Using Imagery in Your Journaling: 5/11/2013 10am-2pm

In my art journal I use a lot of imagery from magazines, books, old journal pages etc. Where do you start and how do you alter them to make them your own? You will be working with images that I will provide and also selecting your own from my many magazine sources. Cutting and sticking has never been so much fun!

Journaling with Silhouettes: 5/11/2013 3:30pm-7:30pm

Silhouette imagery is big in journaling at the moment, but where do you start?? You start with the Dylusions silhouette stencils and masks. We will be writing, spraying, inking, painting and stamping in them, on them and through them. You will also learn how to create your own silhouettes to give your pages that unique look.

Sorry for the inconvenience but the requested event could not be found on May 11, 2013.

Couture Journaling: 5/12/2013 10am-2pm

This workshop is everything you need to know about the Dylusions range of Couture clear stamps. Bring a touch of glamour to your pages with the fashion images. Learn how to make each stamp look totally different by adding patterns to the material. We will be stamping, masking, painting, doodling, adding other imagery and elements to create fabulous pages.

Anatomy of a Page: 5/12/13 3:30pm-7:30pm

Are you intrigued by the art journaling phenonoma but unsure where to start?

Do the pages look too complicated for you to even contemplate where to begin?

This is the class for you. We will break down the journal page into easy bite size steps. Starting with a background, stamping borders and journal lines, adding collage elements and doodling.

And then we will do it again and again, each time adding a new twist or element until you feel totally at ease and raring to go.

I've already decided which ones I want to take... All of them!  They sound SO fun, I can hardly wait till May!

Also Coming Up:

Wendi Vecchi

All of our Art Part fans will be thrilled to learn that Wendi Vecchi is returning September 7th and 8th!  Woot woot!!!  Wendy Vecchi is a full time artist/designer, Certified Ranger Educator, and a proud design team member for Maya Road. Wendy loves to demo and teach at stores and events across the country. Wendy also has her own signature line of stamps from Stampers Anonymous titled Studio 490 which capture her passion for art with a touch of whimsy. Her style is unique and eclectic with an exceptional attention to detail and a fresh approach to the creative spirit. She shares her love of techniques on her blog and reminds you that whatever you do each day just – "Make Art!"

Dina Wakely

Also confirmed (just today!!), Dina Wakely will be here October 4th and 5th!  We are currently awaiting a restock of her recently published book, Art Journal Freedom...

Dina teaches online and in-person classes all over the world. She started papercrafting in 1995, and has dabbled in scrapbooking, stamping, mixed-media art, encaustic art, and art journaling. Dina has a line of rubber stamps by Stampington, and a line of stencils by The Crafter's Workshop. You can visit Dina at her website,

And be sure not to forget our next special guest teacher this month...

Sorry for the inconvenience but the requested event could not be found on May 12, 2013.

Nathalie Metevier

Nathalie visited us last year and everyone just loved her classes, so we just had to have her back! Nathalie has been wowing stampers for years with her innovative and fun techniques - in fact, she is the stamper that first inspired Michelle to learn to stamp!

Nathalie will be here Friday March 29th and Saturday March 30th - just around the corner!  Her card samples are in the store and the techniques look awesome!  Check out all the details here
So much to plan for, so little time!  These events will be on us before you know it, so make sure to pen these ladies into your calendar as they are simply not to be missed!!!

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