
April 14, 2013

Here's Lookin' At You, Kid....

I've attached a little background music for you to play as you read on in this post:

Of all the paper joints
In all the towns
In all the world....

She has to walk out of ours. (Or kind of hobble a little, as the case may be... )


Yes, it's true.  Rosemary has decided it's time for her to take her leave of our happy little paper haven.  Many of you know that Rosemary has been struggling with her recovery from a car accident back in December, and she's finally determined that she won't be able to come back and play with us anymore.  At least not in a work-like capacity.

Rosemary worked here at Everything Scrapbook and Stamps for more than 73 years.  Oh wait, 73 years wasn't how long she worked here.  Seventy-three is the year of my birth... the year I took over ownership of our joint birthday.  How could I get that confused?

Anywho, Rosemary certainly has been a fixture here in our store.  We all have our favorite memories.  Michelle said she would never forget the time Rosemary showed up to work with vodka in her purse.  I asked which time, but Michelle couldn't remember as there was more than one time.

I certainly will never forget wandering around the store aimlessly with Rosemary trailing along behind me, both of us desperately trying to find the animal papers after Nancy moved them AGAIN. 

Nancy says she doesn't remember any time she spent with Rosemary, but she was kind of playing with her little gun knife while she was talking, so I'm pretty sure she remembers.

How about you?  We'd love for you guys to be brave and leave some comments wishing Rosemary well on her journey to recovery - funny stories would also be much appreciated! 


  1. Yes Rosemary will be missed but most of all it will be missed how her boobs were always ringing--she keep her phone in her bra.. I hope she will stop by and she was become like Derek just a name that once was at Everything Scarpbook and Stamps... Nothing but the best for Rosemary

  2. Haa haa haa... I'm sure where ever she is, her boobs will still be ringing... plus, I'm pretty sure she carries extra silverware and a step stool in there, if anyone is in need....

  3. Rosemary will be missed, especially all the jokes back and forth between you & Michelle all the time at the store. Oh and the UPS man! Bet you'll miss him or the other way round. Wish you all the best!
    Hope to see you here and there.

  4. oh no! who will clean MY DESK?
    Michele? I think not...

    Best of luck to you Rosemary! It was my pleasure to meet you.

    Take care...maybe we can meet for a vodka when I'm there again.
