
April 4, 2013

Metallic Distress Paints are Here!

If you love Tim Holtz's new Distress Paints, you'll be head over heels for the latest addition to the line - metallic colors!

Aren't they gorgeous?  Watch here as Tim shows you how to use them:

These are here and available for purchase, but you know how it goes... if ya snooze ya lose!  Make sure you come in and get all three today!  (Yes, I said all three... you know how it's going to go.  You'll come buy just one, and then you'll get home and find the perfect use for one of the other colors, and then you'll come back and we'll be sold out.  So just bite the bullet and get all three now!  You know you'll use them, so you might as well save yourself the extra worry and grief.  And that's all I have to say about that!)

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