
May 6, 2013

Aww.... Michelle Really Knows How to Make Things Easier for Nancy...

So the UPS man came today... sigh.  

With a whole cart full of REALLY BIG BOXES..... sigh, sigh....

I may have to temporarily... VERY TEMPORARILY... rename Nancy.  "PN" may need to stand for Poor Nancy instead of Perfect Nancy... just for a little while....

After all, Dyan Reaveley will be here THIS WEEKEND!  And we're trying to get the store in order.  Well, not really we.  I mainly do the blog, as you know.  And Michelle pretty much handles the planning and business end of things.  Which means, really, that PN is getting the store ready for Dyan's visit.

So, probably, she will not appreciate all these extra boxes of product to deal with, on top of the cleaning and decorating and prepping...

So, maybe, I feel just the tiniest bit sorry for PN.  Really, a very, very tiny bit.

After all, Michelle IS a very good boss.  Just look at what some of the new boxes contained:

All kinds of extra hands for Nancy!!!  Get it?  Extra hands?  Hee hee hee....

Truthfully, though, I have to admit the box of hands kind of creeped me out.  I'm not sure what Michelle's exact plan is for these hands, but I let her know straight away that if any heads popped out of the box I was out of here!!! 

I am happy to report that no heads appeared, although I'm not sure why... 

After all, if she WAS thinking of Nancy when she ordered the hands she would have known she needed to order a few extra heads as well... ;)

1 comment:

  1. tell nancy that honey boo boo's mom got married in a camo gown. that should cheer her up with all the work she has at "hand" lol. missing you all cece
