
July 4, 2013

ESS is excited to announce the return of Cheryl Mezzetti

yes, you read correctly Cheryl Mezzetti is coming back to ESS to teach two amazing classes in August.

The first class  
Happy Days
Sunday August 11th 1:00-4:00pm $45

Mixed Media Book
Mini Book perfect for Summer Memories

Cheryl starts with plain and simple 7gypsies chipboard covers, chipboard, canvas mat boards and turns it into a work of art!  She takes you through a journey with all the latest and greatest mixed media products to hit the market as she educates you with all you need to know with using Luminarte H20's, Radiant Rain Sprayers and the new Primary Elements and Silks!  Cheryl shares her knowledge from her education and training trip to Germany at the main headquarters of Viva Decor Germany!   

The next class is a 5 hour technique based class

Mixed Media Techniques
Saturday August 10th 12:00-5:00pm $55

mixed media techniques workshop
Mixed Media Technique Workshop

You will learn how to use a variety of mixed media products including all Luminarte h20s, silks, primary elements, Viva colour products such as modeling cream, ferro, precious metals, etc.   

This class is very informative as Cheryl will be sharing how each of them work both independently and with other products.   Each student will receive a unique kit and a 9 page follow up email with links to various sites and videos to help you further your knowledge! 

You will be working in an old discarded book (old, recycled or even new) and will be  will be adding pockets, vintage trims including some one-of-a-kind finds, ephemera, recycled products, and three-dimensional objects  totally transforming the book into a creative work of art!


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