
July 8, 2013

Summer CHA Trade Show is Almost Here...

It's that time again... Michelle is getting ready to go to Vegas for the summer trade show!!!  For those of you who don't know, this is the time of year Michelle pretends to go away to "work" when she's really just taking a vacation!  I mean, look where she's headed:

Looks like all kinds of work will get done, right???

Nah, I'm just jealous and being mean.  Michelle really DOES go to the trade show to get a LOT of work done... she meets up with executives and designers from major companies in the industry to find out what's in, what's out, what's hot, what's not, and what new product she's bringing into the store.  

SO, now is the time to put your requests in... if you've got something you've been itching for us to carry please let us know! Michelle always keeps an eye out for customer requests. This is always an exciting time for us because not long after the trade show all that new product starts rolling in... it's like Christmas every day!!!   Keep an eye out - it won't be too long before we start showing you some of our favorite sneak peaks from the show!

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