
July 1, 2013

Upcoming Class...

I'm totally celebrating the fact that I got a sample done early for once... (well, on time for normal people, which is "early" for me!)

Please save the date for this month's Sweet Stamper class, which incorporates Karen Burniston's Accordian Flip Album die:

I was SO inspired by my class with Karen last month that I just had to use one of her dies right away!  Hopefully I'll do her proud....

Class will be Sunday July 14th from 2pm-4pm.  Keep an eye out for future posts and I'll let you know which Copics to bring if you want to color with the exact colors I used in my sample.  Oh, and we'll be using the Copic Air Brush system... sigh.... :)


  1. Proud?! What is that times a million?! It's fantastic. WOW! I want to come take this class.
