
September 6, 2012

Still Need to Sign Up for Dyan Reaveley's Classes?

If you missed the last post about Dyan coming to the store, then you'll be unaware of my little joke (hee hee heeee) about Nancy breaking into a cold sweat trying to keep up with all the incoming phone calls the morning we made the announcement - that really is a memory I'll cherish for years to come.

I guess Michelle felt a little bad for her or something (I don't know WHY - that is what she's paying her for, right??) Anyway, Michelle put the Dyan classes up online - so now you don't HAVE to call Nancy to sign up. Just click the link below the class you want to sign up for and you can pay right here. Pretty cool, right? (Well, except for the fact that if Nancy isn't so busy answering the phone, she'll probably have more time to start rearranging things again. Seriously, doesn't anyone worry about these things except me??)

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