
September 6, 2013

Basic Grey Carte Postale

Let Basic Grey’s new Carte Postale collection take you away!  Those of you that know us well know how it is with Michelle and travel collections – she loves them… and Nancy and I always have to figure out where to put them!  (OK; Nancy puts it away and then I complain about it publicly on the blog later as if it were some kind of big inconvenience for me, like I’m doing now.  Hee hee hee…  This is why we’re such a good team!) 

Anyway, this time was different because for once we all agree – the Carte Postale collection is totally worth it! 

Basic Grey Carte Postale

Basic Grey Carte Postale Collection

Basic Grey Carte Postale Collection

Don’t  you just love it?  All those groovy retro colors and patterns… imagine how cool they’ll look with some of those old vacation photos… too fun!  The embellishments are fun too:

Basic Grey Carte Postale

Carte Postale Embellishments

Look at this gorgeous sample from the Basic Grey design team member Kelly Goree:

Carte Postale Sample Layout

Carte Postale Sample Layout

This layout makes me want to scrap some photos right now!  If you feel the same come on in and add to your travel stash – Nancy found some room right in the front so it won’t be hard to find!






Basic Grey Carte Postale

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