
September 25, 2013

Employee Pick of the Month

Caution: Please read at your own risk.  The post below contains hilarious, bawdy, and somewhat sarcastic comments about my co-worker and arch nemesis, Perfect Nancy (PN).  In reality, we are friends… however, in blog land I consider it my civic duty to poke, prod, and generally make a big ninny out of myself by complaining about her.  Don’t worry, though… no actual employees were harmed in the making of this post!

So I have decided to implement a new feature here on the Everything Scrapbook and Stamps blog… the Employee Pick of the Month!  We all have them… those favorite items that come in that we just can’t seem to live without.  Of course, if you have an Employee Pick of the Month you have to have a featured employee and this month’s featured employee is:

Perfect Nancy!!!

Otherwise known as PN…  What a surprise, I know… most of you will be shocked to see that I have given PN an honor of any kind.  Perhaps the fact that PN HATES having her picture taken encourages me to bestow this particular honor on her :)   I think those people who have accumulated the most awards should get the “honor” of being featured in the Employee Pick of the Month Post, don’t you?  That means PN will get a lot of turns because she has the most awards… It will be a while before it’s my turn, obviously, because I’ve still never received an award… bwaa haa haa haa haaaaa….

So for our first official Employee Pick of the Month, I would like to introduce you to this little adhesive dispenser, affectionately termed “the pink thing” by PN (mostly because her Boston accent doesn’t allow her put the words “adhesive” and “dispenser” together in the same sentence without really thinking about it, I think):

Nancy's Pink Thing

Nancy’s FAVORITE Pink Adhesive Dispenser

Now, you might be saying to yourself, why do I need an adhesive dispenser?  Well you need one, obviously, because if you don’t use one your adhesive is likely to look a lot like Michelle’s:

Michelle's Adhesive Storage Method

Michelle’s Adhesive Storage Method – Oh dear!

Look how much nicer things would be if you just used your handy dandy “pink thing” adhesive dispenser:

What an amazing invention - what would we all do without our pink things?

What an amazing invention – what would we all do without our pink thing adhesive dispensers?

I’ll be the first to admit that Nancy was a little confused by the pink thing at first… she rebelled.  She didn’t want to like it… but it grew on her.  Before you know it she was taking it with her everywhere:

She put it in her pocket while she restocked shelves....

She put it in her pocket while she restocked shelves….


She put it on her shoulder when she was missing her bird, Buddy...

She put it on her shoulder when she was missing her bird, Buddy…


She even placed little pink things strategically around the store so she wouldn't get lonely without them...

She even placed them strategically around the store so she’d never be too far away from one if she needed it…

Yup, Nancy sure did fall in love with the “pink thing” adhesive caddy… and that’s what makes the new “pink thing” adhesive dispenser our first official Employee Pick of the Month!  Thanks, Nancy, for sharing your new favorite tool with us…  I’m so looking forward to whatever I pick to be your Pick of the Month next time!

Employee Pick of the Month

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