
November 8, 2013

Ranger Ink features Michelle McCosh's "Be Thankful Card"!

Ranger Ink features Michelle McCosh’s “Be Thankful Card”!

We are jumping up and down for joy and celebrating with Michelle McCosh, it is a big day for her! Michelle’s work was featured by Ranger Ink this afternoon and we are all bursting with pride. We know she is loaded with talent,  now her work is out there for the world to see and admire. Stand in line to get her autograph with bragging rights to “I knew her when…”.

Check out what Ranger Ink has to say about our Michelle and her “Be Thankful” Card using Liquid Pearls.



Check out Ranger Ink

Michelle, your entire staff and following congratulates you! We are so happy to share in your excitement today!

In other news….

Michelle has her own You Tube Channel up and running. Be sure to go on to subscribe and watch the behind the scenes as she creates her masterpieces.


Ranger Ink features Michelle McCosh's "Be Thankful Card"!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Michelle...great technique for Ranger's Liquid Pearls. It's easy to do and has spectacular results.
    Barb Martinke
