We were lucky enough to have Cheryl Mezzetti teaching this weekend. We had a great time.
The first day Kelli bought us some tasty popcorn to eat and I am afraid I got quite high from the sugar overload. I thought Lisa and Rosemary were going to tie me to a chair.
After lunch I calmed down, so the customers did not have to listen to me ramble on without breathing in between sentences . . . . . Someone said they thought the customer heads were spinning with the speed that I was talking. So if you were one of those people. Sorry!
(But in my defense that popcorn was so damn good)
Everyone enjoyed the classes Cheryl taught.
She managed to fit in three classes all featuring the Luminarte line of products in different ways,
I love this product line and Creative Imaginations has improved it, it is so much better.
The intense pigments remain but the shimmer has been amped up!
Here are a couple of photos from Saturday.

After class we shared this yummy homemade cheescake with her.
The strawberries are filled with a yummy chocolate filling and then covered with chocolate.
One word: Delicious

We look forward to seeing Cheryl again in August and November