Yup, it’s true. PN (Perfect Nancy) is at it again… and this time she has help!
You may have noticed the strange new arrangement of tables and displays in our store the last time you were here… I certainly did. I have to say, at this point I not only can I not find any product, I really can’t find my way around. I think I have finally found our new floor plan – I want to share it with you so it’s easier for you to find things than it has been for me:
Oh, wait, this is not even the best part. I heard PN and Michelle talking about their new plans for the store and I heard these fateful words: “This is only the beginning…”
Seriously? The beginning? Where is the end, exactly? Will they ever reach it? I think not… I mean, look how seriously they take their work:
As you can see, they make more mess than progress… I’m really not sure what the plan is, but I know for sure by now that I am outnumbered… it’s two against one and one of the “two” is the boss… I’m pretty much doomed to never find my way around again. In fact, it’s about quitting time about now… if anyone happens to be driving by can you come in and fetch me? I’m not sure I can find my way to the front door… If you do there might be a “locator” award in it for you!
Seriously, though… you guys know me enough by now to know I’m not really serious about all my griping I will admit that the new classroom is kind of awesome. Lots of room for everyone and (my favorite part) there’s easy access to the loo! As for the rest of the store, I’m with holding judgment. Maybe because I’m resistant to change, maybe because I want to wait and see what happens… but mostly because it gives me something to whine and complain about
See you soon – if you can find me, that is!
This is Only the Beginning....