
December 27, 2010

Tim Holtz's Vagabond Die Cutter. So What???????

We had someone come in just before Christmas to ask what all the fuss was about the Tim Holtz die cutting machine. I remembered seeing a demo when I was at CHA, so I said I'd upload it if I could find it.


As Tim points out what makes this die cutter special is how well it can cut through just about anything; thicker materials like grungeboard, chipboard, bookboard, metal, canvas, acrylic and layers too; fabric, cardstock, you name it. Being able to work with more than just paper opens up so many possibilities.

And of course, with it being Tim it just looks great! There's a bit of a "Guy" thing going on too, as it's motorized! Boys and their Toy's, eh?

We have plenty of these in store if you want to take a closer look.

December 23, 2010

Tim Holtz's 12th Tag of Christmas

Whoops, I'm sure I promised (here) to upload this last week!  

Anyhow, this is the last of Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of Christmas that are available in the store to do as Make 'n Takes.  They are out on display now and you can come on in and make one, two or, if you have the staying power, even all 12 of them!

By the way, we've had a few calls from people who can't get in before Christmas but don't want to miss out.  So I just wanted to reassure you all that we will keep this project running through the New Year. 

So now there's no excuse not to have some fun unwinding after a hectic Christmas!

As a reminder please bring your scissors, adhesive, pop dots and an ink blending tool with extra foam

December 22, 2010

It's not too late to get the perfect gift......

Even if you don't know what the perfect gift is!

The deadline is looming and you're still not sure what to get for that person who already has everything? Or whose taste just runs contrary to yours? A Gift Card is the perfect solution. More classy than cash but with the same certainty that they'll actually get something they want and will cherish!

Our gift cards come in any denomination and unlike with some, there are no fees, no expiration dates, so you can buy with confidence!

December 20, 2010

Wishing you were somewhere else?

If you are like me when the weather is like this, it's difficult not to imagine yourself somewhere else. Where are you? On the beach under a tropical sun? High up a mountain appreciating a breathtaking vista? Or, exploring the twisting alleys of a sleepy old town?

Wherever you are, this project is the perfect way to capture those idyllic moments until it's time for that summer vacation.

As you can see, this is a mini-album, based on the Basic Grey Wanderer line, that can be used to capture those dreams until its time to live them.

Of course, you can also use it to record past journeys. It's a versatile piece that you can use as a journal, to frame your photographs, or to present special keepsakes like ticket stubs, maps and coins. With a little creativity it's possible to make a really deep and compelling piece.

We'll be making these mini-albums in the class on January 8th, so you have plenty of time to dream about where you would rather be! Until then, wrap up warm!

December 17, 2010

Altered Card Club

As usual we'll be meeting on Sunday at 2PM right before the Altered Book Club meeting.

Gotta be more exciting than Sunday football droning out of the TV, right?

Here are some of the samples that we've made in the past and now have on display in the store.

What the picture can't capture though is the fun that we have making them!

Drop by and experience it for yourself.

December 16, 2010

Birthday Themed Stamp of the Month

Here's what we've received for this months Stamp of the Month club. We'll be making three of these during the class. As you can see the stamp is Birthday themed, so it'll get plenty of subsequent use because there is always another birthday just around the corner. How does that work?!?

As usual we'll be working on these cards Friday between 2pm and 4pm and again between 6pm and 8pm. The timing couldn't be better as according to the weather forecast your fingers should have defrosted by then!

For those of you who haven't attended Stamp of the Month note that you get the stamp free with the class sign-up! Bargain!

Basic Grey Page of the Month for December

Here it is! December's Basic Grey Page of the Month.

As usual in this Saturday's class you'll have the option of making the layout above or you can follow along with us as we use the same basic materials to achieve a different effect. And for the really adventurous, we can just improvise! Either way, you'll end up with fabulous layout. I guarantee it!

December 15, 2010

Scor Pal December Class

Is tomorrow 12/16 and as you can see Rosemary has been hard at work on the design for this month's Scor Pal class.

So if you are at a loose end between 6 and 8 tomorrow, drop by, because as Rosemary would say, "The only thing surer than 2+2=5 is that you'll have fun!".

Saturday's Flower Make 'n Take Class Sample

Oh Joy!

Just finished up this sample for this month's Flower Make 'n Take. As usual you can drop by between 3PM and 5PM to make one of these lovelies.

Assuming your fingers haven't been numbed by the cold! Although we may have a solution for that. Stay tuned!

December 14, 2010

New Copic Markers 101 Class

Morning all, I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday!!

We've had quite a few requests for more Copic Marker classes, so I just wanted to let you know to keep an eye on the Calendar as we'll be scheduling a new Copic Marker 101 class. Real soon now!

So come along and discover for yourself why they are the #1 choice for Scrappers and Stampers!

Have a look at the Magnolia Stamp samples we showed last week to get an idea of the effect you can achieve with these markers.

And here are a few samples from the class we did last year.

December 13, 2010

Ketchup Club Sample

Just a quick blog as I'm busy, busy, busy at the moment but I wanted to share the layout we'll be doing at the Ketchup Club tomorrow. Christmas themed of course!

Tim Holtz: Make and Take Christmas Tags

Well here they are at last. Our take on Tim Holtz's 2010 Christmas Tags. Tim has outdone himself this year as you can see from the selection of tags in the photo (yes I know there's only 11. The last one is due out today).

These beautiful tags would normally take hours to put together, but we've prepared a special Make and Take which allows you to create them in minutes instead. The Make and Takes are in store now and will be available through Christmas. So if you still need a tag or two (or just want to get out of the house), drop by, take advantage and have some fun too.

FYI You'll need to bring along:
  • Adhesive
  • Scissors
  • Pop Dots
  • Any Tim Holtz Ink Blending Tool
  • Plus Extra Pads

And the best part is that these elegant tags are only $5 each. A bargain compared to what it would cost to put them together from scratch. Win!

Wednesday's Technique Club

Just a reminder that we have another Technique Club meeting this Wednesday. This time we'll be looking at how to use and get the most out of Embossing Pastes for adding depth and texture to your piece. It's a lot of fun to do and you'll be blown away with how versatile this technique is.

Call (561-432-5201) to book your place!

December 11, 2010

Hero Arts - 2011 Catalog Samples

Well with the release just hours away, Hero Arts have finally begun releasing samples based on the new product line.

There's plenty to see, like this from Hero Arts design team members. See here and here for some lovely samples.

Here is the before:


Hero Arts - Ta Da!

Finally!  They've arrived.  Yes, the 2011 Hero Arts Stamps are now here! As you can see there are lots and lots and while it took a while to get it all setup, I think you'll find it was worth the effort.

There's so much here that there's bound to be something for everyone. All will be revealed Noon on Saturday morning so swing by and see for yourself. Have a look at some of our earlier sneak peeks for an idea on what to expect.

There will be some special Make-And-Takes as well, so come along and join the fun!

By the way, if you bring your Aunt, be vigilant, the local Anteaters are easily confused!

December 10, 2010

Magnolia Card Class 2nd Sample

Here's the second sample for December Magnolia Card class (see the schedule for details).

I'm not sure if I still like the colors I chose, but at least now we have plenty of Copic Marker colors to choose from LOL!

Let's get coloring!

Derek says Sorry!

This is Derek again. What can I say but "Whoops! Sorry!".

Last time I posted (see here.) I meant to show a video of using the Curvy Cutter. Seems like I was looking in the wrong private collection though! That video was taken during a private moment with my soon to be ex-whiney-wife in the elevator. I must have accidentally taped over the top of it.

December 9, 2010

Hero Arts Flower Swirl Vine Rubber Stamp

Another peek. I just love the Flower Swirl Vine in this one. I can see lots and lots of lots of possibilities for this one.

Don't forget we'll be having the unveiling of all the new Hero Arts supplies in store this Saturday.

Magnolia Card Class Sample

Here's the first of the two beautiful layered cards we'll be making during the December Magnolia Card Class. See the Class Schedule for details. There are a couple of spots open, so call if you want to sit in.

The samples are up in the store if you want, swing by and take a look! I'll upload the other sample tomorrow.

December 8, 2010

Crop till Ya Drop

Still got tags to make? Need to finish that special card you're making? What better way to finish them off, while getting some girl time, than among friends at our two day Midnight Crop this Friday and Saturday.

Escaping from the Hubby for a while is an equally good reason to come along by the way!

We'll be setting up next door again, so they'll be plenty of elbow room, because frankly the store is a bit crowded at the moment with all the new supplies in. You can of course pop in and maybe draw some inspiration from the new Magnolia or Hero Arts lines.

The cropping frenzy begins on Friday at 10AM and will run until midnight before picking up again at the same times on Saturday. Call the store to sign up today (561) 432-5201. Come and join the FUN!!!!

December 7, 2010

Another Hero Arts Sneak Peek

The word is out!  The new Hero Arts line is coming. Someone dropped by to find out more.

Here's the sneak peek we gave him. He was so excited, he rushed off home to work on some designs; leaving behind his lunch. So if anyone fancies a slice of Antchovy pizza. Drop by!

Did YOU Win Double Points?

Congratulations to the Slytherin Team who came out as winners in a keenly contested competition at last week's Harry Potter event.

Congratulations also to our resident brain-box Pam R who won the Trivia Quiz.

Well done!

All of you lucky winners can bring your receipts in to the store before Saturday and you'll be credited with double points.  Woo Hoo!

Thanks to all who made it to the event, we had a great time!

Thursdays Forever Canvas Class

Here's what we'll be making in the Forever Family Canvas Class. It'll make a great heirloom and can be finished with either "Forever" or "Family" titling. Your choice!

Don't forget your photographs and adhesive!

December 6, 2010

Derek Sets the Record Straight

Ha!  Finally! I got her password. It's Derek here. I've just managed to sneak out from the back of store for a moment.

I had to come on here to set the record straight after the way she embarrassed me today. Being the kind of guy I am I offered to help out when I saw her misusing and abusing one of those EK Success Curvy Cutters. I can't stand to see such a precision instrument shown such disrespect! Sheesh!

So I thought, "It's a good day to save knives". All I did was point out the correct way of lining up the blade and then how to replace it once it was worn. Boy was she not happy!

That's wrong, wrong, wrong! Who do you think you are telling me how to use a Curvy Cutter! Blah, Blah, Blah! I've got lots and lots and lots (eh?) of experience with these you know! What do you know about them?

Of course by then everyone in the store could see what was going on, so I beat a hasty retreat. Never been so embarrassed!!

So to set the record straight, here's a video from my collection that shows exactly how to use the Curvy Cutter and proves that not only was I right, but that I know what I'm doing....

Another Sneaky Peek and Hero Arts

Well, if he can sneak a peek, why not us?

I'm not sure about this sample myself but I do have a few more that are much nicer. Hopefully, I'll get them all posted before the event on Saturday.

December 5, 2010

Vintage Christmas

Here, finally, is the sample for Wednesday's "Vintage Christmas" class. It's a sweet old fashioned wall hanging in non-traditional shades of pink and blue. Although in this class we'll finish the piece as a wall hanging I've used similar projects as covers for my most cherished albums.

If you are looking for an idea for a last minute personalized stocking stuffer, bring along your own photograph (no larger than 4" X 3.25"), have some fun with us and cross one more thing of your Christmas list! It's gotta beat trudging around the mall one more time!

Hero Arts 2011 Stamps Sneak Peek

Well we're getting closer and closer to the launch of the new Hero Arts 2011 Catalog and even though we'll be hosting a preview event on Saturday the 11th, we've been kept in the dark about what the new line will look like as much as everyone else.

I've still got so many Christmas cards to make that I was hoping to track down some samples to get the creative juices flowing. It's at times like this you realize just how big the family is!

So in a spare moment between games of Quidditch and breaking up fights between Rosemary and the Yellow Pages man. Boy did that guy bite off way more than he could chew! Anyway, I trawled the web for some Heroic Artistic inspiration. Alas, they've done a pretty decent job of hiding away the goodies. The teases!
I did however find a few clues in this video by a boring guy in a suit!

And this tease. Which makes me hopeful...

December 4, 2010

Well, so look who just rolled into town after yet another vacation.

Yes, it's Fred!

He said he's just here to lend some moral support to Big Ears because he doesn't want his cousin to have to be subjected to the same horrors that he was!

And who can blame him.

Family first and all that.

He'll be putting in a guest appearance at the Big Ears Card Class on Tuesday (See the Class Schedule for full details).

So if you want to drop in to help him make sure that Big Ears is treated right, or just to say "Hi!", Contact Us or call (561) 432-5201 to join the class.

Magnolia Stamps & Copic Markers Now In!

WOW! It's like all our Christmases came at once.

As I tweeted yesterday the Magnolia Stamps Merry Little Christmas line has arrived and as luck would have it, unless you're the one who has to type them all into the computer of course, so did our order of Copic Makers. So we're now well stocked with everything you need to send that personalized Christmas greeting!

If you're new to Magnolia Stamps check our class schedule to see when the next Magnolia class is. Be aware these fill up super duper quickly! As with the Copic classes, if we get a lot of interest (leave a comment!) in the next week or so we could schedule an extra session.

And don't forget, if you're planning that something extra special you can come in or contact us to schedule a private class with one of our experienced and certified design team members.

December 3, 2010

To All Local Muggles

Don't Forget

This Saturday at 11:00am sharp we will be having a Harry Potter event.

It will be safe to wear normal wizard attire, but if you miss the Hogwarts
Express or are unable to Apparate and must come incognito by way of
Muggle transportation, feel free to arrive dressed in the Muggle manner.

Fun, Games, Prizes and Make n Takes.
Join us for a Magical Time

December 2, 2010

Glitter in the Air Demo

Back by popular request we have
a Glitter in the Air Demo on Sunday afternoon

December 5th
Join us between 1:00pm-3:00pm

Learn how to transform an ordinary metallic sticker into something fabulous. See a demonstration done by Mrs. Glitter Pants showing a very cool technique, using a special glitter line and Outline Stickers. You will not believe how much this glitter feels like velvet. I fell in love with this product at the show and you will too.

December 1, 2010

Copic Markers

Guess what is in all those boxes?

Lots and lots of lovely Copic Markers

(including all the Gray Markers)

Enough said!

November 30, 2010

Lots and Lots of Magnolia Stamps

We got another huge delivery from Magnolia Stamps today
including the new Christmas images.

Lots and lots of coloring fun.

Don't forget we have a Magnolia Class coming up in December.
I will post photos in the next few days

November 29, 2010

Hero Arts Preview Party

We will be hosting a party showcasing the new Hero Arts 2011 Stamps again this year.

Saturday December 11th at 12:00pm is when we will debut the New Stamps, Catalogs and have some creative Make n Takes.

It will be a fun exciting time during which you will hear a lot of "wows", "love that stamp", "this one is my favorite", "no this one is" , " I must have this one", "and this one", "omg this design is fantastic" and even more excited utterances . . . . . . . . . .

So be there or be square. (I have been wanting to say that for a while)
I am not sure where that phrase originated so I googled it and here is what I found out.

"A square being a nerd, geek, dork...un-hip, un-cool, unpopular, not with-it, etc. ...sort of person..."be there or be square" means about the same as "everyone who is anyone will be there", which is to say if you're not there you're nobody."

So if you don't want to be a nobody and want to be a somebody join us and be one of the cool people. :)

November 28, 2010

Tim Holtz 12 Tags of Christmas

We are doing our Third Annual Time Holtz 12 Tags of Christmas again this year.

For those of you who don't know, we put all the instructions and bits and pieces that are needed in containers along with a sample tag in a box. You can come along at any time and sit and make the tag at your leisure.

As we won't know what items Tim is using till he starts and there is always a lot of Prep Work involved to make the kits we anticipate starting them around December 6th.

We will keep you posted as to what the start date is

and as usual there will be lots of creativity and fun involved. . . . . . . . . . . . .

November 27, 2010

Do not Panic

I do not know how to say this to make it less painful other than to quickly say it, so

I will repeat again. Do not Panic. Take a deep breath. Sit Down. Make sure you are sitting down. I cannot be held accountable if you pass out and hit your head on something. Are you calm?

Now read on. . . . . . . . .

Graphic 45 are DISCONTINUING their first four collections; Times Nouveau, Baby 2 Bride, Playtimes Past and GASP Botanicabella

Remember do not panic and keep breathing. Got that?

Yes, sadly Graphic 45 are discontinuing some of their paper lines and have sold out of some of the patterns already.

We have restocked some of the papers we were low on.

If you were thinking of getting them now is the time to do so.

So do not walk to the store.
Just get here as fast as you can
cos once they are gone they are gone :(

If you are still reading this, and are not on the way to the store, you may loose out. Just sayin!

November 26, 2010

Ketchup Layout Class

This is the sample for the Ketchup Layout Class on
Monday November 29th at 6:00pm

LAYOUT KETCHUP with Michelle $25

Need to “Catch up” on your Scrapbooking? Don’t have the time or need help getting that designer look, then take this class. The professionally designed layout changes every month

whew I have finally completed all my November Class Samples.
Now it is onto the December ones :)

November 23, 2010

Gonna Fly the Bird

hahaha. Could not resist saying that.

Anyway, we got Bird Stamps. Lots and Lots of Bird Stamps. They are one buck each. Wow.
Did I say we got lots of them. About 24 different styles

Flying the bird can be a good thing :)

November 22, 2010

Who has very big ears????

Not Rosemary! Just her cards.
(Actually I don't really know if Rosemary has big ears or not, I have never looked. )

Join us on December 7th at 6:00pm to make these adorable cards

Rest Assured!!! I will be checking Rosemary's ears when she gets back from yet another vacation. I will let you know if they are ginormous or not as I am sure the suspense is killing you.

November 21, 2010

Lovin the new Graphic 45

Once Upon a Springtime.
Love, love, love the color palette

This paper line begs to be cut apart, just begs :)

I bet their booth will have some amazing samples with this line at the Tradeshow at the end of January.
I promise to get photos and post them