
June 30, 2012

Summertime Blues? Table Time Rules!

Are you starting to feel it? The kids are out of school, the days are getting hotter and hotter, your patience is getting shorter and shorter, and the mythological "Me Time" is getting harder and harder to come by. You need to get away, but where, O where can you go?

Everything Scrapbook and Stamps, of course!

We have a glorious thing here called Table Time - as long as there is no class scheduled, you are welcome to pack up some of your favorite projects and come on in - sit at our tables and work on your stuff in relative quiet (you do have to put up with us, but we consider ourselves fairly entertaining, especially compared to children. Although, some customers do compare us to children.... hhmmmm....). Best of all, Table Time is completely free! Just look at some of our happy customers, Carine and Jacqui, enjoying Table Time:

Don't have any of your own projects to work on, or just want to make a quick escape without packing? Don't forget about our Card Frenzy projects or our Tim Tags - those are always here waiting to be worked on! Here are Betty and Delores working on some Card Frenzies:

So come on in and enjoy a few relaxing hours of recharge - the chair's on us. 

June 29, 2012

Oops, They Did it Again.... (The Great Furniture Debacle Continued...)

Alternative titles for this post include "Basket Wars" (in Rosemary's honor) or "Caught Red Handed!" (Because I did - I caught them!!!) These are the continued ramblings of Tamara, who still can't find the new embossing folders.... (By the way, if you are Nancy's friend, please cover your eyes - reading this will most likely not make you happy... ;)

So, Sunday I come to teach my class and, literally, I'm not kidding you, Nancy is scooting backwards down the aisle with a paper rack in her hot little diabolical hands. My own hands were full and I had no camera, but I scream out, "Ha! Caught you in the act!!" Then I hear another scoot to my left and realize Michelle is also moving racks around, even though she's kind of hiding behind the aisles. She was trying to be all sneaky about it, but I'm hot on their trail now and I know what's what. Plus, her manical laughter kind of gives her away.

At first I was depressed to realize I had no camera and would not be able to reveal their deviousness in the act.... I mean, after all, I am embarking on my award campaign and I'll NEVER be able to win one if I can't prove that Nancy is doing everything in her power to make Rosemary and I look utterly depraved. But then I thought, "Hey, wait just a minute... I don't have to have the picture- the results are my proof!"

I know, I know - I hear you. You think I'm the one with the problem... perhaps you think my need for approval outweighs my goodwill towards the store.... or prehaps the year of working at the store without winning any awards, and then having Nancy come in and win ten awards a week might have pushed me over the edge. You couldn't be further from the truth - listen to what happened this week when Rosemary and I came in...

The very first customer to come on Wednesday asked Rosemary, "Where are the Wendy Vecchi Art Parts?" I could see the excitement on Rosemary's face - after all, she restocked the Wendy Vecchi section just last week - she KNEW where it was. Or she thought she did. She practically ran over to the section, pulling our surprised customer behind her, and just look at what she found in the Wendy Vecchi station:

The Lifestyle Crafts dies and Spellbinders look great here - but they don't look much look like Wendy Vecchi Art Parts, which is surely what our confused customer was thinking. Poor Rosemary - her face fell and she just looked SO defeated. She tried to drag me into helping to look for them, but I knew my place - safely in the corner, and that's where I was. After all, I had already been traumatized when I came in and found a great new book rack:

Of course, I love the book rack, but I knew what it meant... something must have happened to the old book rack - and I was right. Here the poor dear is - moved up to the register and full of Sizzex and Lifestyle Craft dies:

Oh, and looky there. The Wendy Vecchi Art Parts... see how this moving around thing works? Nothing is safe, absolutely nothing.

We did solve a great mystery from last week - neither Rosemary nor I could find the animal aisle last week. It was just.... gone. In it's place? Tools:

OK, OK -the tools look great. But, again, when you're looking for animal paper and you take someone to the tool aisle it's a little embarrassing. We know the customers are wondering how we could get cats and dogs confused with cutters and destressing tools.

The animal aisle mysteriously reappeared where the girl and boy sections used to be (don't ask me where it's been in the mean time...):

Now, I know there are times when we think other people's kids behave like animals, but really, when your innocent customer asks you where your little girl paper is and you take her to the zoo section, what kind of message does she think you're sending?

We did finally track down the girl and boy papers - they've been integrated into the Family section, here:

I think the worst, though, was when Rosemary and I saw our new table... I mean, really, look at this thing:

I mean, sure, it's so much cuter than the old two plastic tables we had pushed together, but you realize, don't you gentle reader, than half the size means half the space. There really is only room for two people to sit here - I wonder which two people that would be??? Let your imaginations go - I'm sure you'll realize what I'm thinking here.... ever so subtly Rosemary and I are being pushed right out of our places!! (Diabolical!)

So you must be wondering what I was talking about earlier, when I mentioned that Rosemary would like to entitle this post "The Basket Wars". Well, here's the truth about that... for months Michelle has been going on and on, (and I do mean on and ON), about how FAST Nancy is when she's working - how everything just gets done SO quickly. Hidden message in that statement, "Boy, you and Tamara sure work slowly compared to Nancy!" We're no fools, Rosemary and I.

Then Rosemary starts noticing that everytime she comes in there are baskets of product laying around. Baskets upon baskets upon baskets. And we begin to realize, Rosemary and I, that Nancy doesn't work nearly as quickly sa Michelle thinks. In truth, Nancy shoves the product she doesn't want to work with in baskets and then creates beautiful new sections, seemingly in mere moments of time. Then Rosemary and I try to figure out where to put the stuff in the baskets. (Did I mention the word "diabolical"?)

Of course, no one seems to know anything about these baskets. "Where did this come from?" we would ask. No one would say anything. But then we'd go to hang the stuff up where it used to be and low and behold, it doesn't go there anymore.

Do you see it? Do you see the next part of Nancy's diabolical plan to keep Rosemary and I from winning awards? Once again, we look a little idiotic when we go to hang something up and it doesn't go where we're standing. Additionally, since these magical baskets are never on anyone's to do lists, when we spend time putting them away it's very difficult to account for our time. Michelle would ask, "Well, did you get (insert project here) done?" No, we didn't. We try to explain, but even we can't remember where we've been that day because we've just been wandering about aimlessly trying to figure out where we're supposed to be. Here is what she thinks Rosemary and I do all day:

OK, so maybe we got caught that one time, but seriously? It's really hard spending all day on your feet looking for things, especially when you go to places they used to be but aren't. It's very tiring, really.

Well, anyway, I guess Rosemary reached her breaking point this morning. I caught her, basket in hand:

Of course, I can't say for sure, but I'm fairly certain that if I hadn't intervened that stuff would be tossed out in the parking lot as we speak. Not to worry - I saved it. But if you ever come in and see that the basket rack looks like this:

instead of this:

then you'll know what happened, and you'll know to go back out to the parking lot to retrieve a basket!

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, reader. Rosemary and I refuse to give up - we will expose each and every diabolical move that occurs in this store, and one day, one day I say, we WILL win our awards!! (PS - Even if Rosemary doesn't win one, can I? Please?? Help me out, here...)

(PPS (or is that PSS - I never can remember) - A note to Nancy's friends... fear not - no part of Nancy has been harmed in the creation of this blogpost. I mean, she's been carrying her pocket knife around for weeks, so what can we do, really? And, if you're still upset, I did warn not to read it, didn't I?)

June 28, 2012

Beatriz Lovers Unite....

Beatriz was just here teaching her Year of Layouts class and it was SO much fun... Beatriz is always sure to leave you with warm and snuggly feelings after a class. We're happy to announce that she's already scheduled her next set of classes for July 8th at 12pm and 2pm - here is the July layout:

I'm in love with the heart flowers and all the super sweet buttons. The cool colors in the August layout really bring summertime to mind:

Give us a call to sign up, and in the meantime come on in and pick up one of the great kits she left with us. Beatriz's kits are always in high demand and we're sure this month's selections will be no exception. Here are a few examples of kits you can assemble yourself:

And for those who just like to grab their kits and go, there is also a lovely selection of premade layouts, like this one:

Just add some pictures and you're ready to go! Beatriz has something for everyone - just make sure you get 'em while they last, because they're all limited editions.

June 27, 2012

This weeks Tim Holtz Inspired Tag

This weeks Tim Holtz inspired Tag:

Luscious Lucy

You can make this tag anytime you have a few spare minutes from Wednesday 6/27 through Tuesday 7/3 while supplies last.

and remember we are now open till 8:00pm on Thursdays and Fridays.

You do not have to bring anything with you.
We will be providing all materials, tools, adhesives, etc.

So come on in and make something inky and fun while learning new techniques.

See You Soon

June 26, 2012

The Tim Holtz Tuesday Tag Teaser is here

Here is this weeks Tim Holtz Tuesday Tag Teaser.

This Tag will be available to be made Wednesday 6/26 through Tuesday 7/3 for just $5.00

You do not need to bring anything with you,
all the supplies are in a basket for you to recreate this tag.

Bring a friend, hang out, learn some new techniques and have some fun.
The weekly tags are available while supplies last.

We are open till 8:00pm on Thursday and Friday!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye - New Magazines are on the Way!

Michelle is always on the look out for the new, the interesting, the inspiring, the shiny.... no, she's not a crow, she just really wants to bring exciting things into the store! She's especially loves magazines that are not the same old magazines that you see all over the place; you know, the ones that always seem to use the same ten designers and seem to focus on finding new ways to regurgitate the same ten old ideas. Michelle's bringing in some fresh, new magazines to add even more diversity to our eclectic collection - be sure to look for them in coming weeks.

Craft Stamper comes to us from the UK; each issue includes a free stamp as well as informative and inspiring features like these:
Stampers Master Class - In depth technique articles
Free Stamp Makes - Pull out projects for you to complete
Double Take - One product used two different ways
Stamping Contrasts - Four different designers' takes on a stamp
Designer's Palette - Inspirational color palettes
Cut and Create - Free templates
Meet and Greet - Designer showcases
Stamping For - Stamped projects around a central theme

Scrap365 is another British publication that brings trendy new layout ideas to scrapbookers. You can access printable sketches and fun bonus content on-line to print and use on your pages. They have a monthly sketch challenge, great technique tutorials, and showcase a myriad of styles, from clean and simple to shabby chic. Scrap365 is not just for the 12x12 scrapbooker, however; they also focus on mini albums, art journaling, digi scrapping, and 3D projects. Their goal is to keep scrapbooking fresh and inspiring, so that you want to do it 365 days a year. Heck, it's not a magazine, it's a mindset.

For all you mixed media artists (or those who would like to be) we will be offering Somerset Studio, a magazine celebrating paper crafting, art stamping and lettering arts. Learn about creating mixed media texture and backgrounds, working with different mediums, and incorporating exotic papers and found objects into your projects. This is the magazine that will help you bring your daydreams to reality.

OK, I don't want to totally shock you or anything, but our final new offering, Art Journaling, is all about.... art journaling. Man, it's a hot topic - I noticed all the back issues of this magazine are SOLD OUT, which means people are gobbling it right up. Learn how to find your own art journaling style, explore the work of your favorite artists, learn professional techniques, and really bring your art journaling to the next level. Art journaling is all about finding your voice and expressing it on the page, and this magazine is just the fuel you need to get your motor mouth running.

June 25, 2012

Customer Appreciation Corner #1

If there's one thing we know about our customers, it's this - we've got some uber talented ladies shopping here! (I don't mean to cut the guys out here, but I didn't want to say "customers" again, and really, we only have a few men that dare to come in here and shop with us, and we've never seen their work. Ergo, "ladies"!) One thing we ALWAYS love to see is your work - all the lovely little projects you've made with the product we've sold you.

So we got to thinking, really, that all this talent should not go to waste. We should showcase it - and so the Customer Appreciation Corner was born! But "Who, who, who" we wondered, should be showcased first? Well, to be honest, it wasn't hard at all to pick.

Jeannie Ziegelman has been WOWING us with the incredible handmade altered items she's been bringing in for us. First, there were stockings for Christmas - one for each employee. And let me just say that the detail and craftsmanship that went into those stockings was astonishing - I count it as one of the finest Christmas gifts I have ever received - really.

Then at Easter she brought in handmade Easter baskets that were so special and unique - again, they were just stunning in intricate detail. Everytime I look at mine I see something I didn't see before.

Well, Jeannie's done it again. She brought in a little Halloween house that is absolutely to die for... each part of it is more enthralling than the last. We're going to be a little mean here and just show you sneak peaks - after all, Jeannie worked incredibly hard on this project and we don't want just any Joe Shmoe coming along and copying it - which is so easy to do when you publish something online. We are going to show you a few bits and pieces though, and invite you to come on in and explore it in person - you won't regret it!

I love that happy, vintage moon and the brick embossed chimney.... just look at the leaves dangling from the tree branches, just waiting to fall and clutter up the drive....

And whoooo's peaking through that window?

Seriously, who would think to glue three lampposts together to create a 3-D lamp, and then add a bulb? See what I'm talking about with the detail? So inspiring - I can't decide whether I want to run away with it or start my own and see what I can come up with.... and that, my friends, is what true inspiration is all about.

We want to congratulate Jeannie on being the very first artist showcased in our Customer Appreciation Corner - she's always such a joy when she comes in to shop with us and we're honored to be able to share her work with you.

June 24, 2012

Martha Stewart Crafter's Clay Kits

A couple months ago we got in some exciting new product from Martha Stewart - crafter's clay. I don't know if you've used it before or not, but I just LOVE it. Crafter's clay has a light, airy texture that's easily colored, easily molded, and air dries in about 24 hours - no oven necessary. Once dry, it can be glittered, painted, and pretty much embellished in any way you'd like. The Martha Stewart kits include the white clay and four molds that you can press the clay into to make a lot of fun, delicately detailed shapes. Here are a few examples of things that you can make with the molds:

This week we got two new starter kits in, which include not only the white clay and four molds, but also colored clay, floral wire, and shaping sticks. There is also a color chart included so you can mix beautiful new colors of clay.

With the floral wire and shaping sticks, you can make gorgeous free form flowers - look closely and you can see the fantastic texture of these petals - they are so thin they hardly look like clay:

This video on how to use these amazing new kits is sure to inspire you:

This is amazing stuff; just think, next time you don't have the "perfect" embellishment for your paper project, you can just create your own!

June 23, 2012

Mix it Up with Mixaparts Jewelry....

Creative Imaginations has a great product for all you jewelry lovers - Mixapart necklaces! These are an awesome way for you to express your creativity in wearable art. Mixapart necklaces are super cute and so easy to make:

  1. Create your own background on precut canvas or use one of the ones from the beautiful paper kits.
  2. Snap the background and your favorite embellishments into a pod.
  3. Snap the pod into the necklace.
  4. You're done!
The best part is you can create a multitude of pods for one necklace - just interchange them according to your mood! Check out this video:

This is our awesome Mixapart Display, currently residing on our front counter:

The awesome spinner wheel at the waist reveals project ideas, and the delightful premade kits in different themes, like Rock Star, Shabby Chic, Mon Ami, and Exotic. These include background, transparencies, and gems so you can layer away inside your pod.

This is a great project for mothers and daughters to work on together - you just have to make sure she doesn't steal your pods when you're not looking!

You've got to come in and check these out - don't forget, if we're not having a class you can sit down a create a few while you're here! 

June 22, 2012

Come and Play! Everything's A-OK....

OK, you might think we're a little like Sesame Street when you come in - we certainly are a bunch of characters! Hee hee hee... Don't get too excited, now - I'm not insulting anyone today (yes, I can feel your disappointment even now - it's like a collective sigh that swooshes through my soul). I'm actually talking about some super cute new Sesame Street papers and embellishments that we just got in:

You're sure to love the die cut pack that includes all your favorite friends:

And these sweet stickers have a fun and fuzzy texture that your tactile toddler is sure to love:

We also got in some great new Disney papers and embellishments:

This diecut pack features fun frames and glittered accents:

And there are several new sticker packs, including totally tantalizing title stickers and bountiful borders (I'm just loving the all the awesome alliteration today... where is that blogging award when you need one?):

It doesn't matter whether your from Sesame Street or Main Street USA - come on in and pick up a few of your favorite characters today!