I have a weakness when it comes to books & magazines. Even as a child I collected books. (I still have some of my childhood books). I love curling up in my chair with my diet coke and getting lost in the book/magazine. I can actually tune out the world around me. Craft magazines just refresh and inspire me.
I thought I would introduce you to some of the new books and magazines in the store.
Altered Surfaces is a great book for altered arts. You'll discover that acrylic paints, fluids, gels, mediums, grounds, and pastes work as a "system", allowing them to be fully compatible with each other. You can mix and match to your hearts content without worry!
Get Ready to "Think outside of the box!"

Creative Embellishments
How do you add sophistication and style to craft projects with shrink plastic, rubber stamps, and fun foam? Look to this bestselling author for a bounty of advice in this technique-packed book--then get ready to play!
* Discover dozens of imaginative embellishments made from paper, fabric, plastic, clay, and more
* Create art without expensive supplies--over 150 photographs show you how.

Some of my favorite magazines are the Australia Scrapbooking and Cardmaking. I personally think they show something different and I love their interpretation of things. We just received some of the latest issues in the store.

The latest issues of Cards, Scrapbook Trends and Paper Trends have also arrived. I think I have every issue of Cards and Paper Trends and refer to them often for inspiration.

Are you intimated by the Clear or Acrylic books, then come in and get one of the many books we have about them.

Leave a comment and let me know about your favorite craft magazine or book