The French General collection is inspired by the style and fashion of old world France. Vintage patterns and textures dominate with a strong influence of the national colors of red, white and blue.

A family is bound together with Love not Duct Tape. Nancy has created a family themed mini book using a stunning line from Authentique.
This album is a true masterpiece that Van Gough would be proud of.
Vintaj Patinas
Vintaj Patinas are opaque inks specially formulated by Ranger to adhere to metal. They create beautiful and durable patina effects. The Patinas will colorize Vintaj natural brass findings and filigrees for gorgeous jewelry and embellishments.
Available in a palette of 15 hues, the Patinas can be blended and layered to create endless patina effects. Sold in sets of three, the color combinations were developed to mimic natural patinas that would occur over time.
I made some really cool pieces using the patinas when I was at the trade show.
You would think I would have taken a photo of the finished pieces but apparently I am not that smart.
I do however have photos of the Patina Kits :)